Toronto Aqualina at Bayside | 47.85m | 13s | Tridel | Arquitectonica

I can hardly say a nice word about how this building looks, or the compromises that led to what it is. One thing, though, Tridel's suites shown here actually seem to make sense and have some pretty good layouts compared to, oh, two-thirds to three-quarters of the condos that have gone up in the last eight years. It's good to see that kind of practical thinking! Now if they would just re-do the exterior, add that wintergarden, put retail along Queen's Quay....!
Good expected. Goes to prove that this project, being right on the water, should have been the first to launch over the Parkside (Monde) site. Again, hopefully the success here will spur sales at Monde (only at approx. 42% sold).
You sure Monde is only at 42% ... that's hard to believe, it was at 35% or what not month ago if I recall.

I think all this proves is the power of tridel btw ; - )
If these two get built the East Bayfront's success is virtually assured! Its looking great already.
I think all this proves is the power of tridel btw ; - )

Agreed. Not sure which is more impressive, that they got this to 75% so fast, or how they got 10 York 80% sold in a week when it seemed like the writing was on the wall for the pre con market in late 2012. Kudos to them.

Not really loving the design for this one but overall with Monde + what's already there the area will certainly be shaping up.
75% is very impressive for this project!
Monde definitely has to be higher than 44%. Monde podium pricing is approx $100 less per square foot the Aqualina.
it was at 44% at the end of June, so it is likely more than that now, considering it's re-branding.

Seems to be splitting hairs here, but YES, the stats I quoted for Monde are from Q2/2013 (to end of June)...and I don't have daily counts, so with the rebranding hopefully it's more that this and that they have sold some units in July and August making this number higher. My point was that it's still a ways off from 70%, but slowly getting there.
Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 261 QUEENS QUAY E

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 13 220987 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Aug 15, 2013

Project: Multiple-Use Building New Building

Description: Proposal for a 13 storey mixed use building with non-residential uses at grade. (See related Site Plan Control 13-197383 STE 28 SA)
I'm not sure why they're bothering still working on the model suite and sales office if they've sold so much of the project already. I guess for the subsequent phases?
That is correct, plus it will function as a design centre. It will be here awhile, much like the CityPlace sales centre. You will notice that it's located to the far east side of the property. Phase 1 is just the beginning.
I was surprised today when running by the new sales centre to note that the developer made no provision for anyone arriving by foot. There's a large driveway which wraps around the back of the building, but there's absolutely zero walkway in from the street. This is even more puzzling since the entrance to the sales centre faces directly out onto Queen's Quay.

I realize this area doesn't have the busiest foot traffic, but it's by no means dead, and they need to recognize that a number of buyers or potential buyers won't even own a car.

I find this puzzling and quite frustrating that a developer building in an area like this, where there's a focus on non-car transportation options would send a subtle message in this way. This is likely not deliberate, but still disappointing, nonetheless.

I should add that's it's not impossible to walk in by foot - there's a large grassy area in front, but there's no hardscaped path other than walking around to the back of the building via the driveway.
