Mississauga Alba | 109.1m | 32s | Edenshaw | Core Architects

April 03

Only one drilling machine on site for the Geothermal system compare 2 the past few weeks. Looks like this could be the last week for drilling. Shoring could be under way this month

Is it faster and cheaper to do the drilling at surface level or once the holes is dug?? Seen it both ways and said it cheaper doing it once the hole is dug as there is less drilling and material been use.



Great to see construction starting, it looks like a really nice building in the renders.
June 12 - I now have this project on my radar for regular flights
They started shoring last week and not doing it one side at a time. They started in the north west corner them move to the south east corner and not sure where they are doing it next


I believe 6-18 months is usually the range for delays with residential towers.
Thanks for the reply! Based off the current development stage of this project, what would be your best estimate regarding the extent of the delay? Closer to 6 months or 18 months?
No idea! I'm only an enthusiast, not an industry expert. There's people on this forum who could speak much more knowledgeably than me.
