Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects

I went for a drive on Saturday out towards Hamilton and stopped in a few places along the way. Tower 2 is making itself known as well:


And here it is from ugly Cooksville:

April 19
Drum, that's a bit of an unfortunate typo in the word 'Absolute'. Kinda makes it mean something else all together.
Oh man that music is bad. I wish people wouldn't put music in their videos. Thankfully it's easy to mute. I also don't get making videos of pictures, when you can just post the pictures anyway in higher definition.
Great photos ShonTron!

I don't know why they put up some balcony glass, and then covered it up... so strange.

I was told that they haven't actually decided on the final glass...

The three that are covered are different samples...
Oh man that music is bad. I wish people wouldn't put music in their videos. Thankfully it's easy to mute. I also don't get making videos of pictures, when you can just post the pictures anyway in higher definition.

And you made fun of me for complaining about the music in those videos, haha :)
Oh man that music is bad. I wish people wouldn't put music in their videos. Thankfully it's easy to mute. I also don't get making videos of pictures, when you can just post the pictures anyway in higher definition.

LOL. That song is key to all my drunken karaoke memories.
I was told that they haven't actually decided on the final glass...

The three that are covered are different samples...
Hmmm. The photos I got they look the same. There is the one that has been up there since last year though, that nobody got a photo of. I'd love to see it.

And you made fun of me for complaining about the music in those videos, haha :)

Haha ya ya :p
So I guess workers at these buildings have to climb stairs, being that there is no construction elevators. That's gotta suck!
Other than its setting in Misserysauga, the main design flaw is the placement of the corner tower--it should be placed closer to the corner sidewalk, with perhaps just a 12 feet setback. Tower 2 can stay hidden behind a podium, but the corner tower should showcase its entire beauty.
The towers are of course fantastic, but I'm loving the decidedly urban effect of that 3 storey streetwall. I'm praying that that will set a powerful example of what Hurontario should be lined with on both sides for its entire length to become a proper city street.
