Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects

^ I think so too. I guess the funny thing is, is that it could conceivably be built within budget now, due to advances in computer modelling applied to manufacturing technology. Gehry's buildings have shown that highly individualized architectural parts can be made for relatively little more cost than normal, than with prior assembly-line routine assembly.

I agree with Shocker on this one, that it's not so much the flat top that's the problem as the look of the materials used to enclose it.
April 30
Only shots from afar as I had no plans to shot MCC today as I was to be somewhere else and it die at noon.









I would be of the opinion that the area circled is only darker because it is the grill for mechanical exhaust
yes, Solaris is correct... its placement is rather unfortunate though and they should have figured out some way to make it less obvious.

I propose that this thread adopt a policy of requiring members to be over age 18 to comment from now on. geesh, I thought the speculation in the Trump thread was getting ridiculous... !
yes, Solaris is correct... its placement is rather unfortunate though and they should have figured out some way to make it less obvious.

I propose that this thread adopt a policy of requiring members to be over age 18 to comment from now on. geesh, I thought the speculation in the Trump thread was getting ridiculous... !

i don't know.... After looking at older pictures, those dark areas that you say are mechanical vents were not there before. Why would they clad that spot with the light coloured material only to later remove it for venting?
I did a zoom in on that area of my photo that was circle and it is a mechanical vent. Sorry to break someone bubble
Based on the third picture Jasonzed ^^^^^^ posted up, my theory is correct. Good-bye bottle caps!!! xDD

I do concur.

The mechanical vents can clearly be seen, but there also seems to be a window located in the area that was circled in my previous post. Of course one would hope for a closer look further confirm this.
You guys are too optimistic and will be sadly disappointed to see that this is the final look. That small "window" area may be just that, a small skylight to allow daylight into a mechanical room. Other than that, there is no magic plastic film to be removed from this "Bottle Cap". What you see is what you get.
You guys are too optimistic and will be sadly disappointed to see that this is the final look. That small "window" area may be just that, a small skylight to allow daylight into a mechanical room. Other than that, there is no magic plastic film to be removed from this "Bottle Cap". What you see is what you get.

Nice, you're wrong about the thing though. Prepare to eat your words.
