Toronto 985 Woodbine | 121.5m | 35s | Choice Properties | superkül

Meanwhile, east of Woodbine and Danforth, two new independent coffee shops have popped up and a third one has changed owners and refreshed its look in just the last couple of months. A Tim Hortons is also coming to the corner of Danforth and Cedarvale. So although Starbucks won’t be long, there will be lots of indy choices as well. It seems the recently completed Canvas condo is driving coffee shops.
Wait is the tim hortons replaceing the Coffee time at Cedervale and Danforth? and if it is do you know when?
I looked at the developers website and they seem to have modified the layout of this development project instead of building a new building in the bottom they’re using the existing façade at the corner of Woodbine and Danforth.



If they are re-using the old facade they appear to be moving it. And that'd be a welcome change. That sidewalk on Woodbine is narrow for the volume of people it sees.
I looked at the developers website and they seem to have modified the layout of this development project instead of building a new building in the bottom they’re using the existing façade at the corner of Woodbine and Danforth.

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Great find!

This appears to be a substantial improvement in terms of sidewalk width along Woodbine; and a gesture to make the retail level fit better with the character of Danforth.

Btw, this does not look like a relocated facade to me; but rather one attempting to recreate the vibe of one, particularly in height/massing and the use of the cornice.


I will be interested to see if the Councillor's concerns over jobs and affordable housing are addressed; and how my concerns over the capacity of Woodbine Station are addressed as well.
Does anyone know whether the Value Village (including the parking lot behind it on Amroth) and all the retail stores (except for the BMO on the corner of Woodbine and Danforth) or the RBC, Scotiabank, Dollarama and the vacant lot (formerly RBC) across the street from 985 Woodbine could be redeveloped to midrise condos?

because I believe those two spaces would be the most likely candidates for redevelopment because of the large space (60m x 60m) and (60m x 30m) and also its proximity to Woodbine Subway Station.
Does anyone know whether the Value Village (including the parking lot behind it on Amroth) and all the retail stores (except for the BMO on the corner of Woodbine and Danforth) or the RBC, Scotiabank, Dollarama and the vacant lot (formerly RBC) across the street from 985 Woodbine could be redeveloped to midrise condos?

because I believe those two spaces would be the most likely candidates for redevelopment because of the large space (60m x 60m) and (60m x 30m) and also its proximity to Woodbine Subway Station.

I think you've answered your own question largely.

It is feasible.

Whether anyone is pursuing the assembly I don't know.

The parking lot is Green P (City-owned), so a partnership of some kind would be required there, but Green P has shown openness to shifting to underneath a new building at many other sites, no reason this should be any different, if the price is right.

The Value Village by itself is deep enough, but a bit narrow to work with, but with any of the properties to the west becomes extremely workable.

The Green P is oddly configured with a portion of the lot btw 2 sets of backyards; that would make acquiring the homes on either either Woodbine or Amroth that abut that section ideal; but not necessary.

Woodbine would likely be the more advantageous frontage.
Btw, this does not look like a relocated facade to me; but rather one attempting to recreate the vibe of one, particularly in height/massing and the use of the cornice.

If that's a re-created facade they're going to awfully long lengths to re-create the existing facade. What they're showing in the rendering includes all of the same irregular windows that are in the current building on site, as well as all of the small details (like that slight inset at the angled corner). Other than some detail work on the cornice I can't see any other differences between the rendering and what's extant on site. But that's just based on the rendering. You're right that when it comes time to actually build this they might well just knock the old building down and rebuild something of a similar massing.
Re 985 Woodbine, what are people supposed to do if Valu-Mart is closed during construction? It's the only grocery store in the neighbourhood. Travelling elsewhere is fine if you have a car, which I do not. Will TTC vouchers be provided, along with a caddy to help carry groceries? Also, I sincerely hope the new store is a No Frills, as Valu-Mart has significantly higher prices and less choice.
Re 985 Woodbine, what are people supposed to do if Valu-Mart is closed during construction? It's the only grocery store in the neighbourhood. Travelling elsewhere is fine if you have a car, which I do not. Will TTC vouchers be provided, along with a caddy to help carry groceries? Also, I sincerely hope the new store is a No Frills, as Valu-Mart has significantly higher prices and less choice.
My neighbourhood became a food desert when our (lack of) Valu-Mart closed so that its plaza could be redeveloped. Years later, no grocer has yet reopened, and no, there certainly haven't been any TTC vouchers for the ride to the next closest grocery store. The guarantee of a local grocer is a step beyond what the City is responsible for in each citizen's life, so you can try talking to your City Councillor to see if the developer would provide vouchers to the locals during redevelopment, but the chances of that actually happening are very, very, very small.

My neighbourhood became a food desert when our (lack of) Valu-Mart closed so that its plaza could be redeveloped. Years later, no grocer has yet reopened, and no, there certainly haven't been any TTC vouchers for the ride to the next closest grocery store. The guarantee of a local grocer is a step beyond what the City is responsible for in each citizen's life, so you can try talking to your City Councillor to see if the developer would provide vouchers to the locals during redevelopment, but the chances of that actually happening are very, very, very small.


Not that it would happen......................

But when speaking w/reps of Choice Properties..............

I did suggest they make use of the company owned property at Woodbine and O'Connor (currently a Shoppers Drug Mart with a large amount of surplus land area to offer a temporary supermarket during construction.

I noted that the when the LCBO on Coxwell was being reconstructed, they used this very idea, on this very site, locating a temporary store here.

A replacement grocer would have to be larger, obviously, but there is sufficient area.

Of note; the Shoppers Drug Mart on site...........was once a Dominion supermarket.


That site at Woodbine and O'Connor also represents a near ideal redevelopment opportunity.
Only grocery store in the neighbourhood? There's a green grocer half a block west (and another on the next block west of that). There's also a butcher and a bakery a block away, and that's leaving aside the Sobey's over by Main. And that Valu-Mart tends to be overpriced and understocked anyway.

I guess it's convenient for some people, but the area would hardly be a food desert without it for a few years.
Only grocery store in the neighbourhood? There's a green grocer half a block west (and another on the next block west of that). There's also a butcher and a bakery a block away, and that's leaving aside the Sobey's over by Main. And that Valu-Mart tends to be overpriced and understocked anyway.

I guess it's convenient for some people, but the area would hardly be a food desert without it for a few years.

True, along the Danforth; but as there is no supermarket up Woodbine all the way to O'Connor, and none along any of the E-W roads north of Danforth within proximity of same, it would certainly increase the distance to a supermarket for many.

Woodbine and Cosburn to Danforth is 1.3 km, to then tack on another 700m plus if you require a supermarket certainly takes it outside of convenient distance for many.
Its important to remember you're not looking at the market in isolation, but in terms of every point within its catchment area.
The distance of alternative retailers isn't from Woodbine and Danforth, it's from the point of origin of the customer.


I'd add to that, I quite like Royal Beef (the butcher).....but it's not in everyone's price range.
That seems like a new design? It's hard to tell from the elevation view, but it appears they're putting the higher massing on Danforth now?

Edit: Also, this is rental now? So we might see shovels in the ground sooner than later, if no sales are needed
