Toronto 95 St Joseph | 134.7m | 40s | Daniels | Core Architects

Take a walk along this section of St.Josephs (Google Streetview doesnt count as a walk) and you'll see exactly what the fuss is about. This proposal is completely out of context.
Ugh?, it won't look out of context in 20 years when another couple dozen similar buildings will be neighboring this
It will be refined in the process. If you are concerned about the materials and facades at grade, contact the Planner on the file and register your concerns. This is a first application. I feel this is an important street and I also feel the density is completely appropriate for this location subject to meeting performance criteria regarding setbacks, sun, wind, servicing, etc.
This is St. Mike's, no?

The sisters at Loretto at 70 St. Mary St went through this process and eventually got approval for 40 stories in 2014.

They've got lots of time here and I presume this is an exercise they are doing now so that if/when they need to cash out, this whole process will be done in advance.

Nope, it will border St. Mike's to the north. This is the Basilean Fathers building.
It's Daniels. From the cover letter:


Question: does anybody know what the best approach would be, to voice opposition to the current plans? I live in the building directly south of this footprint, on a higher floor, looking directly over this project. The towers as proposed would reduce my 'view' (and privacy) by about 90%. However, if they reduced the 15 storey to 12, switched them around so the taller one is closer to the tall one at 1000 Bay, and kept them close to the street, it would be livable. How/where / to whom can I voice these concerns? Thanks for your feedback.
Question: does anybody know what the best approach would be, to voice opposition to the current plans? I live in the building directly south of this footprint, on a higher floor, looking directly over this project. The towers as proposed would reduce my 'view' (and privacy) by about 90%. However, if they reduced the 15 storey to 12, switched them around so the taller one is closer to the tall one at 1000 Bay, and kept them close to the street, it would be livable. How/where / to whom can I voice these concerns? Thanks for your feedback.
should have thought of that before you moved in. Keep your concerns to yourself, thankyouverymuch.
Excuse me? Keep your own concerns to yourself. When I moved in, my realtor confirmed there were no likely builds, and a robust search of the UToronto 5 year plan, and the city's plan, and the current zoning all confirmed there was nothing planned. Even the original letter from the Consultants was issued after we closed on my purchase. So, now that I've been blindsided, I have every right to want to express my opinions and concerns. Wow, I'd love to have this conversation face-to-face with you. Amazing someone can be so heartless.
Excuse me? Keep your own concerns to yourself. When I moved in, my realtor confirmed there were no likely builds, and a robust search of the UToronto 5 year plan, and the city's plan, and the current zoning all confirmed there was nothing planned. Even the original letter from the Consultants was issued after we closed on my purchase. So, now that I've been blindsided, I have every right to want to express my opinions and concerns. Wow, I'd love to have this conversation face-to-face with you. Amazing someone can be so heartless.
I guess you've answered your own question. voice your concerns to your realtor, or better yet, sue him/her. Maybe you should sue the city too.
It's everyone's fault except your own, right?
No plot of land is safe for redevelopment in this city, it's been a known fact for years. Hope you learned your lesson.
Question: does anybody know what the best approach would be, to voice opposition to the current plans? I live in the building directly south of this footprint, on a higher floor, looking directly over this project. The towers as proposed would reduce my 'view' (and privacy) by about 90%. However, if they reduced the 15 storey to 12, switched them around so the taller one is closer to the tall one at 1000 Bay, and kept them close to the street, it would be livable. How/where / to whom can I voice these concerns? Thanks for your feedback.

There might be a public meeting about this development at some point, but I agree that nothing is safe from redevelopment in this city, and unless you are above an already sizeable and recent building, there is a risk you will lose your view. I live at 44 Charles W with a north view, and considering Manulife has no qualms about monetizing its complex by ruining its architecture, I'm shocked that they aren't trying to build something in the relatively vast chasm between 55 Bloor and my apartment building.
Excuse me? Keep your own concerns to yourself. When I moved in, my realtor confirmed there were no likely builds, and a robust search of the UToronto 5 year plan, and the city's plan, and the current zoning all confirmed there was nothing planned. Even the original letter from the Consultants was issued after we closed on my purchase. So, now that I've been blindsided, I have every right to want to express my opinions and concerns. Wow, I'd love to have this conversation face-to-face with you. Amazing someone can be so heartless.
Amazing someone can be so ignorant. Any smart real estate agent knows that NO view is safe, unless in front of a park or body of water. Sounds like you only have yourself to blame for your lack in judgement.
There might be a public meeting about this development at some point, but I agree that nothing is safe from redevelopment in this city, and unless you are above an already sizeable and recent building, there is a risk you will lose your view. I live at 44 Charles W with a north view, and considering Manulife has no qualms about monetizing its complex by ruining its architecture, I'm shocked that they aren't trying to build something in the relatively vast chasm between 55 Bloor and my apartment building.

Thank you for a reasonable response. I'm astonished at the callousness of TheSix & Raptor. Just real mean people. My realtor had done a lot of analysis around heritage buildings, the 5 year plan, the secondary's not as though we walked-in and said we'll take it. And I didn't say I had a lack of judgement....I said AS-IS, this project would hamper my view. Now, I still have 1650 sq ft of newly renovated space in downtown Toronto, so I'm not totally hurting...and I did invest in blinds, so I can cope with the privacy issues - but having just moved from the 40th floor of The Verve, with a 270 degree view forever, it'll be disappointing to lose this one. Frankly I can probably sell in 3-4 years and still have the view through then. All I asked of this forum (before I realized most were just unhappy, unpleasant people), was where does one turn, to express an opinion. A helpful board would simply have provided some guidance - such as "city councillor, member of parliament, member of provincial parliament, or Public Meeting (thanks Bayer), or whatever the actual response to my actual question might have been. I've been a reader of these forums for 8 years now, and have not seen such unnecessary snarkiness until this thread. SMH.
Also, for what it's worth, I wasn't even asking how to SQUASH the development - I understand density & the fact that I live within a 10 minute walk of 4 subway stations - I just would like to propose a revision, and was asking how does one DO that.
Thank you for a reasonable response. I'm astonished at the callousness of TheSix & Raptor. Just real mean people. My realtor had done a lot of analysis around heritage buildings, the 5 year plan, the secondary's not as though we walked-in and said we'll take it. And I didn't say I had a lack of judgement....I said AS-IS, this project would hamper my view. Now, I still have 1650 sq ft of newly renovated space in downtown Toronto, so I'm not totally hurting...and I did invest in blinds, so I can cope with the privacy issues - but having just moved from the 40th floor of The Verve, with a 270 degree view forever, it'll be disappointing to lose this one. Frankly I can probably sell in 3-4 years and still have the view through then. All I asked of this forum (before I realized most were just unhappy, unpleasant people), was where does one turn, to express an opinion. A helpful board would simply have provided some guidance - such as "city councillor, member of parliament, member of provincial parliament, or Public Meeting (thanks Bayer), or whatever the actual response to my actual question might have been. I've been a reader of these forums for 8 years now, and have not seen such unnecessary snarkiness until this thread. SMH.
Some of us may be "mean", but you are completely selfish, and a true NIMBY. And I suggest you get a better realtor.
