Toronto 880 Bay Street | ?m | 44s | Infrastructure ON | WZMH

There is always the chance they only got the height approvals just to sell the lot to private interests... It is on Bay Street. I would expect this most places, but maybe due to the proximity to Queen's Park and the other government office buildings I doubt this would happen. Just saying it's a possibility.
Possible yes, but imo not probable. They'd likely save far more $ by consolidating all their public servants onsite and foregoing rentals throughout the city. Or flipping other properties.
Another option would be to recruit (tender for) a private development company to build the building on a long term leaseback to the government. That way the province puts up little or no money up front, but commits to the long term rental expenditures. Infrastructure Ontario has undertaken several projects with this approach. While all options are probably on the table at this point, flipping the property, or just letting it sit abandoned for years may not be foregone conclusions.

The recently announced delays/postponement/cuts to transit expansion for the city by the McGuinty government makes one wonder how much longer the people of Toronto will blindly support a political party that takes them for granted. Had the province managed their finances better in good times the financial situation it finds itself today would not be so dire that it couldn't afford to make the long term investments that would save the province money and build this city such as this addition to Queen's Park.
To the post above:

"Had the proving managed their finances better" , etc.

It's the government, what do you expect? Unless they're sitting on top of tons enough oil to bath and shower their whole population for years.
To the post above:

"It's the government, what do you expect? Unless they're sitting on top of tons enough oil to bath and shower their whole population for years.

I assume that's a reference to Alberta. Alberta has a huge amount of oil revenues but the province itself is run much better than Ontario IMHO. It's a different mentality out west, not for everyone though.
My brother moved to Alberta a couple of years ago and now complains on a daily basis, how the quality of everything is dreadful in Alberta. His quality and enjoyment of life has diminished so much that, inspite of his higher wages, he is maing plans to move back to Toronto, as soon as he can. I also have another friend who just moved out of Calgary because as he puts it, he just can't stand the "redneck mentality anymore", so not everybody in Alberta is happy the way the province is run. With the new popularity of The WIld Rose Alliance, things might get a lot more right-wing too. As if Alberta wasn't radical enough. SHEESH! My brother is already blowing a gasket. lol
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Unless they're sitting on top of tons enough oil to bath and shower their whole population for years.

Haven't you heard? They're betting on the Chromite deposits up on northern Ontario for exactly that. It will put a small dent into our giant debt, but as valuable as oil, not likely.
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That's good news. I don't think they'd be going ahead with meetings if this wasn't going to happen.

Once again, we come back to the question of thinking before you post.

The budget came down, when? The 25th? (By what I can see online.) That letter is dated the 23rd. And even if it wasn't, the ship of state steers slowly; you can bet that that consultation has been grinding through the bureaucracy for a little while at least. (And at an entirely different level of government than the one making the decisions about this building, too.)

So no, that letter is completely unindicative of what's going on here.
