Toronto 88 Scott Street | 203.9m | 58s | Concert | P + S / IBI

Koops65 at SSP has created a diagram for 40 Scott, based on the elevations:


Looks good, I really like the massing and the fact that its not another pitiful aA copy and paste glass box.
But I agree the cladding will make or break it, hopefully they've learned from watching trump. Afterall its not that much shorter than trump (640ft vs 776ft rooftop) and in a location that will make it much more visible than trump will ever be.
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Wow that drawing makes it look like an 80s Pomo office tower!

I always thought Toronto was lacking one of those...

I'm a fan of late '80s/early '90s PoMo office towers too, though I think that Brookfield Place already fits that bill.
I have noticed a revival of the Post Modern aesthetic in many proposals around the world. I hereby dub the trend Neo-PoMo.
I thought of that, but that would imply that Po-PoMo directly followed Post Modernism. We have had Neo-Modernist after PoMo... So it is actually a revisiting or re-imagining of PoMo with a modernist touch... So I reiterate it should be Neo-PoMo.

Or then again it could be PoNeMo for Post-Neo-Modernism.
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That diagram looks fantastic, if it were 700-800 feet tall I would believe it was a PoMo office tower in some city in the US..

But it really all has to do with the cladding. I've been saying, all they have to do is use the same sort of glass/stone cladding that's there already, and it will look great.
^^^ agreed, however as was pointed out to me when I wished for stone on Uptown a couple years ago, stone is too expensive to be used on a residential building. Regrettable, but it seems to be fact.
Ah, makes sense.. That's unfortunate though.

Hopefully it's done better than Uptown, and it isn't the granite used on Trump that I am opposed to, it's the glass/spandrel they used above that, so maybe they can use the glass that exists there and granite similar to Trump?
The granite on Trump is the most disappointing aspect of the finishes. They chose the colour and finish that most closely resembles concrete, and from more than 20 feet away, you're hard-pressed to tell the difference. The glazing is at least somewhat catchy and decent, in spite of the mismatched panes and spontaneous ceiling heights.
