Toronto 733 Mount Pleasant Road | 93.25m | 27s | Rockport Group | Wallman Architects

Changes to the Planning Act and Places to Grow/PPS overide Clergy,. It's not a forgone conclusion if it represents bad planning or was in contravention of any Secondary Plan in force at the time. Clergy isn't completely infallible at the LPAT though of course the onus will of course be on the City to make a case for any desired revisions. I would be shocked if they didnt come to a negotiated settlement in the end for this site as the heights are contemplated in the area.
But nothing like this on Eglinton and Avenue and Bayview and other cross sections - all close to new TTC cross town line etc. This smells on some interesting inside dealing. Also why would one allow this many floors on East side of the MtPleasant?

Maybe because one developer bought it cheap and then is looking to profit enormously because of bureaucratic-stroke of a pen change from 9 to 34 floors! There is definitely much more to this story.
Has the public meeting video been posted online?
It will be interesting to see will Asian community every buy one apartment there once they realise that building is built on top of ex Funeral home for decades with thousands dead bodies passing through ... it’s really really bad for Feng-Shui.
From above circa a week ago, can be seen on the far right. Didn't occur to me to zoom in unfortunately.

You've got a lot of pics from up high; are you scaling random buildings again?
Hah, I would not encourage mischievous activity as such, even if it were for as good a cause as snapping a few photos for UT from a good vantage point.

I found myself touring a unit at The Eglinton by chance, and took advantage of the opportunity that presented itself. I may greatly dislike how that building looks from the outside, but the views from within are great - and the best part is that it's the only location in the neighbourhood where you can't see The Eglinton when looking up! A real selling point! ;)
Site Plan Approval application submitted on Oct. 27:

Development Applications

Rockport Group + Wallman Architects: 27 storeys




Some notable revisions include:
  • Total number of residential dwelling units reduced from 264 to 262
  • Total retail GFA reduced from 587 sq. metres to 281 sq. metres
  • Total number of vehicle parking spaces increased from 126 to 131
  • Total number of bicycle parking spaces reduced from 272 to 270's looks a lot more nubbier than the last version.
This looks like it's going to be a sister design to the new rental on Davisville with the cheapness of Alter. Unsurprisingly a trashy design that sterilizes this commercial strip with a tower that doesnt fit in with the area. I'm not opposed to heights in this area, but for the east side of Mt. Pleasant, this shpuldnt be more than 15 floors IMO.
Request for Direction Report to the next NYCC meeting on January 13th, 2021.

City staff requesting direction to oppose this at LPAT.

Report here:

From the report:

The proposed development is not providing appropriate transition to the Neighbourhoods to the east, the lower-scale Mount Pleasant South Character Area to the south and does not respect the existing area context. Amongst other matters, the proposed tower does not minimize shadowing on the Neighbourhoods designated lands to the east of the site; lacks sufficient non-residential gross floor area; is not meeting the intent of the City's Tall Building Design Guidelines; is not providing an adequate amount of large units per the Growing Up guidelines; is not providing an adequate amount of vehicular parking; and is not providing a public laneway at the rear of the site. In addition, the application does not have a satisfactory Functional Servicing Report to address servicing issues.
