Issues of height(16 stories seems plenty tall enough) and overall aesthetic aside, it's encouraging to see the area south of the tracks starting to resemble something of an extension of the downtown core. This part of downtown has long been a neglected expanse of empty parking lots interspersed with the odd government-type building, but it once was very different. I can remember in the late 60s' and early 70s when many of those parking lots still had houses on them, the main fire hall used to be a Loblaws, there used to be a walk-up style Dairy Queen across the street, and on the southwest corner of Wyndham and Wellington(in those days, Wellington never extended east of Wyndham) was a boarded-up, 'ancient' stone building(? casket factory) as well as a Canadian Tire store. This area has exciting potential with the restoration of the old Drill Shed and future redevelopment of the Armory building(it would make an ideal farmer's market, hotel, etc.). Hopefully, this new tower will spur some of that new development.