Toronto 66 Wellesley Street East | 101.78m | 31s | ONE Properties | S9

I think it's about time the laws are changed that would require the developer to provide the materials that will be used before approval.
Recommended for approval? Wow. This is just horrible. Our city planners are garbage and seem to know nothing.
City planners look at development applications to be sure they follow official plans etc. Though they certainly comment on 'appropriateness' , or aesthetics they have VERY little power over things like that. You really cannot blame City Planning for this (and other) messes.
I think it's about time the laws are changed that would require the developer to provide the materials that will be used before approval.
In site plan approval applications, the developers/architects do submit materials, but the only control the City can use to deny some material is if it does not meet code re: its thermal properties or fire resistance, etc. All quantifiable things, there are no aesthetic controls. If you did have legislation covering aesthetics, who would get to decide on whether something passed master or not? One of Doug Ford's kids? Whoever comes in second in the mayoral race? A panel of UrbanToronto members drawn from a basket woven out of leftover mullion strips? All are reasonable possibilities…


Resubmitted with the following changes:
  • Total residential units increased from 405 to 408 (remains inclusive of 65 rental replacement)
  • Total bicycle parking increased from 416 to 419
  • GFA & Unit mix changes
Updated renderings:
PLN - Architectural Plans - ArchitecturalPlans_66Wellesley-0.jpg
PLN - Architectural Plans - ArchitecturalPlans_66Wellesley-698.jpg
PLN - Architectural Plans - ArchitecturalPlans_66Wellesley-701.jpg
PLN - Architectural Plans - ArchitecturalPlans_66Wellesley-702.jpg
PLN - Architectural Plans - ArchitecturalPlans_66Wellesley-703.jpg
Its still not quite as good as it could or should be; but this is an improvement on the previous iteration.

The brick, IF it turns out like that will look quite nice.

I'm still not sold on the corner or the retail expression in general, but much better.
Despite it being somewhat over-tortured and possessed of vestigial lumps, it does seem to be an improvement over the previous versions.
The corner treatment is curious. It's like we got a leftover movie theatre awning without getting the theatre first. Actually, a movie theater on that corner, with that entryway, would be amazing for the neighbourhood. I'd love to see that happen.
The rainbow-decal'd garage door is good for a giggle.
I think the best parts here are the finesse of the window walls with their narrow frames, and the care and curves shown in the brickwork. It seems to step back decently, too.
All in all, a good improvement from the bland, blocky versions preceding it.
