Hamilton 64 Main Street East | 59.83m | 19s | Core Development | Studio JCI

I'm pretty sure the concern is blocking the view of lake and parts of the downtown FROM the mountain.

I kinda/sorta get it if they build a crap-ton of buildings downtown which are higher than the escarpment, but to totally deny any buildings being taller is ridiculous.
You don't need to see the entire harbour/lake from the escarpment at every single angle. At least limit the amount of buildings that go higher, and allow it in certain locations to ensure the optimal views aren't blocked. This all or nothing approach is dumb.
the worst part is that buildings being built at the escarpment height means that they still block the view of everything from the escarpment below the horizon line - i.e., the lake is still blocked. It doesn't save the view of literally anything. It's a pointless NIMBY policy which does nothing but reduce the size of development.
Revised from 18 to 19-storeys due to the presence of indoor amenity in the mech level. 59.83m to top of MPH.

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