Toronto 629 King Residences (was Thompson Residences) | 53.34m | 15s | Freed | Saucier + Perrotte

those poles are ridiculous. the private sector is building all of this new infrastructure around town, but the city can't/won't upgrade/relocate the 19th century utility poles? Toronto is king of the sky junk.
Aren't these telephone poles outside the public's domain? They seem to be purposely placed on the property line as well.
That's true, but this is way higher density relying on the single alley. They'll probably still build a big truck garage facing Stewart anyway, like the one on 75 Portland (huge garage door exiting directly onto the street) because of those utility poles. I guess a door is better than a driveway :I

At the meeting I attended on this, they said that there would not be a service entrance on Stewart. I belive they said there would be a parking garage entrance maybe, but that's it.
That's true, but this is way higher density relying on the single alley. They'll probably still build a big truck garage facing Stewart anyway, like the one on 75 Portland (huge garage door exiting directly onto the street) because of those utility poles. I guess a door is better than a driveway :I

The only garage door facing Portland may be wide but you'll be lucky not to hit your head on the way in. Just look at the side door next to it for comparison. Plus they still need to install a overhead door.

^ ^ ^

i'm sorry but IMO it looks really tacky and cheap for an establishment like Thompson Hotel to have a manual letter board like that.

they should fork out the money for an electronic digital display board.
that sales office 'tent' looks exactly like the one that was taken down from the Cresford's MYCondo site @ Yonge+Merton ~
Wow! I expected more from a boutique hotel of Thompson's reputuation. The roof is freak'n canvas! But ,y'know, someone will still pay $300 a night and love it!
the new project looks amazing, love the windows, no balconies tough but it does not matter. 310 units? that's a lot, I guess most of the units will be under 600-700 sq ft.
It does look amazing. Best. Facade. Ever.

(seriously, its a nice change from the aA/Core facade treatments).
the new project looks amazing, love the windows, no balconies tough but it does not matter. 310 units? that's a lot, I guess most of the units will be under 600-700 sq ft.

The gallery of images does not really you how tall the project will be. I'm not a huge fan of its height. But the overall design looks good, and I like the pedestrian walkway.
