Toronto 550 Wellington West and 1 Hotel | ?m | 15s | Freed | a—A

From I 42's Post #34 in this thread.

Studio Gaia

I found this website with some interesting 550 stuff that is new to me.

1) Under: Projects -> Development -> Thomson Toronto
- "Completion Date of January 2010". I think thats the first time I've seen that date published. Tentative Occupancy for the condo portion is August 2009. I would have though the hotel would be done around then as well. More delays?!?
- There are 10 renders on there. Its weird, they look like old sales material renders, but I think they are new/updated. I like the first render of the building....its very Frank Miller.

2) Under: Projects -> Hospitality-> Thomson Toronto
- There are 6 pictures of an actual hotel room mock up. Looks nice.
I do like this building as well, and think the massing is perfect for the area- however, I anticipate the day when the use of fritted glass is somewhat more creative than a semi-transparent rectangle. Nonetheless, the erratic facade patterning is refreshing from some of aA's other projects.

Originally Posted by Urban Shocker:
Poetry ... and magic. A grownups' reply to the look-at-me bright red gashes of 60 Bathurst.

Bright red gashes? When did Zanzibar's move to Bathurst? Poetry and magic....

Others hereabouts have called 60 Bathurst far worse - TKTKTK for example says This building is a dog. It looks like something you store stuff at, not somewhere you'd pay to live. and Sixty Lofts looks like it was put together with whatever cheap odds and ends they had lying around. I'm kinder, and have rarely commented on understated Freedville as a counterpoint at all - other than in the little lovefest for it on the 80 & 100 Yorkville thread recently.
Thanks for the pic Silence. Already glassed up to the 10th floor. I'm interested to see what kind of glass the use for the 11th floor on the hotel tower. Thats the floor where the condos start on that side of the tower. I wonder if they will continue to use that sexy glass or if it will be the slightly less sexier glass they are using for the rest of the building?
