Toronto 500 Wellington West | ?m | 10s | Freed | Core Architects

My hope for the future is that, once the embarrassment of LV sinks in, the buildings can be stripped and re-clad in more interesting and varied materials. Like the endless apartment blocks of the '60s and '70s, there are many possibilities with potential retrofitting and renovating.

Anyway, this is about 500 Wellington, which looks fantastic. If only more, or all (I can dream), projects were finished with this attention to detail and materials.
13 June 2012: Parc Lofts by aA remains my #1 condo completed this past cycle; this project maybe #2 or lower?

Front patio construction?

Does anyone have photos of the front patio under construction, with the trees coming straight out of the paving?

I can only see some sort of fine clear gravel (setting/laying bed) with a filter fabric underneath... wondering if they used structural soil, Silva Cells, or some sort of grating to suspend the paving over the soil.

(One of the trees still looks like its rootball is still fully wrapped from the nursery)

No problem with the root ball remaining wrapped. The canvas is porous and the roots will push through without problem as the tree grows (was a tree farmer in a past-life). It doesn't look like they left space for the trunk to grow much, however, as the paving stones appear to be cut quite close.
That landscape treatment is hilarious. Let's see how it plays out when pretentious 'minimalism' is imposed on the will of a tree's root system. Those tiles will have to be altered every year or two to accommodate growth. And how does rainwater penetrate that surface anyways? Surely the hairline cracks are to fine to allow water absorption.
The stone is supported entirely by the fine gravel. The stone gets really hot in the sun, likely not a good thing for the trees even though they have irrigation below. You'll never know if the irrigation works or not. Bad design in my mind down the road.

The stone is supported entirely by the fine gravel. The stone gets really hot in the sun, likely not a good thing for the trees even though they have irrigation below. You'll never know if the irrigation works or not. Bad design in my mind down the road.

The trees definitely didn't look too happy - a few were obviously stressed.

RE: stone supported entirely by the fine gravel - do you have any photos of the patio being installed? It seems really strange that the contractor and/or designer would think that would actually work in the long run.
