Toronto 50 Scollard | 147.62m | 41s | Lanterra | Foster + Partners

Love it. One of the better Fosters I've seen in awhile. I hope it doesn't change. Going to be a really expensive project. I hope they do really well. These guys have taste between this and the Parliament Data Centre. Figures real estate brokers.
The site this morning.



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It's going to be quite the engineering feat to move those semis.. I wonder if they can just rebuild them.

Yes it would be quite the move, but it is really no different than James Cooper Mansion or Gooderham Mansion (Selby)
I'm quite thrilled that they'll be making the effort to move those cute Victorians rather than just destroy them. If only that tower proposal on Widmer were this forward thinking and urban minded...
G+C and Greenpark do not a thoughtful (forward or otherwise) combo make...

Ditto too many others in this city unfortunately. At least proposals such as this one are helping usher us out of the stone age and towards a more enlightened development paradigm.
The upper storeys are going to have the significantly smaller floor plates found in the old buildings surrounding New York's Central Park. From the report:

The proposed floor plate size is reduced as the tower rises. The tower floor plate of floors 10-30 is 682 square metres, of floors 31-38 is 500 square metres, and of floor 39 and up is 324 square metres.

That's pretty cool, and I believe a consequence of the developer and architects trying to fit to angular planes prescribed in the Tall Buildings Guidelines, etc. If they lead to a little more creativity in this city, they'll be considered a blessing.

