Toronto 475 Yonge Street | 255.76m | 78s | KingSett Capital | BDP Quadrangle

Hey, just because there has been no movement on a thread doesn't necessarily mean its been cancelled as you have stated here and other threads
...also not i good idea to bring back dormant threads when you have no information, people here will usually post immediate as new information comes in.

that why I ask everyone because my work on website tallest building with over 153 meter or 500 feet so I did fixed current 57 towers, 29 under construction and 20 approved but over 50 proposed, I did not finish with proposed and I did removed more than 10 towers included 50 bloor or 263 adelaide because I did not fix or update for a year
that why I ask everyone because my work on website tallest building with over 153 meter or 500 feet so I did fixed current 57 towers, 29 under construction and 20 approved but over 50 proposed, I did not finish with proposed and I did removed more than 10 towers included 50 bloor or 263 adelaide because I did not fix or update for a year
As others have said, please do not bump threads asking if something has been cancelled just because the thread has gone dormant.

Some companies go after up-zonings for their sites when it suits them, and then wait to redevelop when it suits, or sell the land that's now worth more. That doesn't mean a development is cancelled per se.

Plus, if there's something new, someone will post it in the thread. If there isn't, the thread stays quiet. Members do not like to see dormant threads reactivated ("bumped") with no new information in them.

Fellow is angry with us because we're not giving him the info he needs to update some other website he works for. And for getting abusive with us behind the scenes he's now taking a holiday.
When I created the animated gif I discovered that I had totally missed this one on my model:

Toronto Model 11-30-18 475 Yonge.png
We all appreciate your renderings, but there is no need to bump threads needlessly. Perhaps you can create one thread for all your renders?

I also disagree. Koops, your renders are one of the parts of this forum I love the most and I very much want to see them in the threads where they are in their context and can lead to discussion. I understand people have different preferences and ways they use the forum, but is it really so bad to have a thread bumped? A new render of how this building will look in context seems like *exactly* the kind of thing I would *want* a thread to be bumped for. Some people talk so negatively about thread bumps it makes me afraid to ever post!

For me it would be a great great loss to lose these from the threads and in this case I was excited to see the render in this context and the opportunity to think about this development in its context and go back and read this thread. If it was only posted in the thread collecting them all (which is also good as a separate thing!) it would get lost and lose the benefit of context IMO.
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I'm fine providing he limits the number of posts. His model expresses how these developments appear in the skyline which is a popular interest among UT members. I'd prefer if he would post them in a dedicated thread. There are other past and present model makers on UT. If they followed his example instead of their dedicated threads and if everyone else started posted homemade art than the planning, architecture and, updates could get lost.
I'm fine providing he limits the number of posts. His model expresses how these developments appear in the skyline which is a popular interest among UT members. I'd prefer if he would post them in a dedicated thread.

Especially considering that many of the rendered projects are difficult to identify. Though posting renders is fine if the thread is otherwise active.
I see what people are saying, but I also kinda don't see what the big deal is even if it is a thread bump. I recognize though that I might not be familiar with certain social norms around what justifies a thread bump. In general though outside of thread bumps I really support the renders being in the thread.

I don't think there's really any risk of updates getting lost even if other people did follow Koops' example (which is a hypothetical problem at this point, not a real one.) and to me important posts seem more likely to get lost amid other text posts when a thread is active that aren't so clearly distinguishable as these renders are.

There's lots of posts that I don't like or I think are useless but it's fine — I just scroll past them! To me it seems pretty intense and negative to try to stop something that other people are enjoying and that is relatively harmless. I feel less inclined to post now myself for fear of other people judging me and telling me to stop. :confused: Maybe you already are!! hahaha
So, is posting an image of the tower in its context a thread bump? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it does seem to generate some talk and some interest. Also, the old saying goes, '"A picture is worth a thousand words" and I would prefer to post 1 picture than to type a thousand words. I do have a dedicated thread for all my renders:

Still, I prefer to post the images in the actual building threads themselves. A number of people even refer to the renders as the discussion evolves. About spotting the building in the image, I generally make the subject tower the largest, or in the center, but not always...

As far as this particular render, and posting it, like I said, I discovered that I hadn't even added this development so I did add it and I wanted to show it off. The part about bumping the thread I didn't even consider until after I read all the talk afterwards. I did agree a month ago to limit myself to posting a single image at a time on the various threads rather than flood them with multiple images. I'm not here to upset anyone or give anyone a hard time.
