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Riiiiight. Knock on Sunday painters some more, why don't you. Would that we had more Sunday painters than we actually do in this world. At least they paint! Let's try and leave the useless snobbery out of the equation, shall we? Talk about signal-to-noise.

If alleged "qualified" people wind up shaking their heads and turning away in the face of a tide of allegedly misinformed opinions - well, that's on them, and that action strongly resembles wimpy capitulation.
Architecture is not necessarily comparable to aged wine.
Admired today might not stand the test of time and simply go sour.
Vice versa.. many of today's 'experts' will be turning in their graves, when some of these McMansions will be considered La Rotondas of tomorrow... say in late June of 2219 :).
ya know.. Salieri was such a great musical expert.. but that damned boorish Wolfie!!
History is so hard to please...
Riiiiight. Knock on Sunday painters some more, why don't you. Would that we had more Sunday painters than we actually do in this world. At least they paint! Let's try and leave the useless snobbery out of the equation, shall we? Talk about signal-to-noise.

If alleged "qualified" people wind up shaking their heads and turning away in the face of a tide of allegedly misinformed opinions - well, that's on them, and that action strongly resembles wimpy capitulation.

Hey, you're the one who mentioned "experts". All I'm saying is, posting on this board doesn't make one an expert.

Though when it comes to architecture and heritage and all of that, one thing I've noticed among a lot of amateur opinion-mongerers is that they often tend to have a *very* poor sense of architectural-historical space and time; and that's something that "informs" either their boneheadedness or their anxiety re the existing urban environment--that is, they relate even to the recent past in the more or less generic terms many of us relate to ancient or "non-Western" environments. (Which might have a way of portraying "historical awareness" at large as a snobbery of the gifted.)

Even the reference a number of posts back to "ITV's The London Studios in the UK" seems derived more from seeing pictures of neat buildings in skyscraper forums: buildings as gaming memes rather than as flesh-and-blood objects...
hmm.. the art of communication, if that is even the purpose of some posters here, comes with the ability to explain your thoughts in plain straightforward language..
flowery, convoluted long sentences, containing one benign personal offence dressed with three nonsensical deflections, are not really fitting into this kind of art..

so!.. in my personal "non expert" opinion, this building was an abomination of architectural aesthetics in the first place and no intervention, especially as clumsy as this one, can change that..
I don't think of this reno as barbarian destruction of the precious treasure, it is putting a lipstick on a ..
Adma: you are a venerable proponent of word salad posts. It might all seem crystal-clear to you but when you deign to explain yourself a bloom of snide gibberish is what I most often detect.

Reading between the lines here, what seems to be the underlying message beneath all that unwieldy baggage is that only experts matter - and that you are, undoubtedly, one of them. I would be cool with all that if I wasn't given evidence in here, on a practically daily basis, that even self-proclaimed experts can rarely agree on which way is up.
hmm.. the art of communication, if that is even the purpose of some posters here, comes with the ability to explain your thoughts in plain straightforward language..
flowery, convoluted long sentences, containing one benign personal offence dressed with three nonsensical deflections, are not really fitting into this kind of art..

so!.. in my personal "non expert" opinion, this building was an abomination of architectural aesthetics in the first place and no intervention, especially as clumsy as this one, can change that..
I don't think of this reno as barbarian destruction of the precious treasure, it is putting a lipstick on a ..

I think you already disqualified yourself through your "some of these McMansions will be considered La Rotondas of tomorrow" alibi.
Reading between the lines here, what seems to be the underlying message beneath all that unwieldy baggage is that only experts matter - and that you are, undoubtedly, one of them. I would be cool with all that if I wasn't given evidence in here, on a practically daily basis, that even self-proclaimed experts can rarely agree on which way is up.

I guess a milder version of this might be the "who's the expert here--Bozikovic or Mallick?" circumstance behind the Manulife reno. (Or rather, behind Manulife itself, given that both parties aren't exactly hot on the reno)
I think you already disqualified yourself through your "some of these McMansions will be considered La Rotondas of tomorrow" alibi.
disqualified yourself?? it again!... :))
your self awareness is impeccable!
although I didn't realize we were in the running..
I guess you won?
Happy Holidays!!
Frankly, I was impelled to search back to my *first* encounter with cogito ergo...

And from the evidence of the kind of character that he is over the several pages that follow, no wonder I seldom post in these forums anymore...
Frankly, I was impelled to search back to my *first* encounter with cogito ergo...

And from the evidence of the kind of character that he is over the several pages that follow, no wonder I seldom post in these forums anymore...
Though the Seasonal Spirit may say otherwise, I find that blocking such people greatly increases my enjoyment of UT! I have no problem with alternate points of view - they are often valid - but life is too short to put up with crap!
“I wholly disapprove of what you say—and will defend to the death your right to say it.”
François-Marie Arouet - ca.1756
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
Eric Arthur Blair - ca.1945

...yet, we live in 2019
Happy New Year to All!
