Toronto 400 Wellington West | 38m | 12s | Sorbara | SMV

i agree-railing on top of roof does not look good as is-perhaps would look good if they did the entire roof-but still looks odd and really no point. You never know-peraps Sorbara has that there temporary for some reason-although hard to see what it would be for. or perhaps they planning something that we don't know about. I guess we willl see. Regardless-beautiful building on best stretch of Wellington.
Walked by at lunch today. The mini-green roof on top of the first floor lobby area was being planted. Lots of pallettes of sedums being hoisted up.
3 December 2011:



Walked by this thing last night. It's very nicely done. Solid, quality building. Feel sorry for those people on the north and west side with the nightclub next door.
Sorbara should definitely do an encore for that 2-storey suburban property right beside it, to its east. Wellington has so much potential but the streetscape is currently very inconsistent. Needs refining and more infill for the parking lots.
It will be interesting to see if they drop any plants in now. 500 Wellington did that late last week.
New Photos

Some sweet shots from one of the suites and terraces:

Looking east from interior...

Looking southeast from terrace.....

Green roof plantings on lobby roof
Just wow ...

Those are amazing views. So how much does a unit like that go for ? ;)
very nice shots wellington guy! I guess you did your PDI already? How does the lobby and the rest of the common areas look? You should have taken some pictures of the inside of your unit, unless you wanted to keep it private, which I also understand!
