OK, UrbanToronto forumers, I am going to have to do something just for the satisfaction of knowing that I (we) tried our best to let developers and architect firms know that a lot of what is being put up in Toronto just sucks! I mean, what is this building supposed to be??? This type of low-grade building is barely seen even in the distant suburbs and we see it in the heart of our downtown! Since most of you know the names of developers and architects better than I do, I am requesting that you list all the developers and architect firms' names that you would like to see be contacted via email and request them to stop using grey spandrel and minimize the use of excessive mullions. I know it's a silly thing to do (as why would they care, let alone even read an email from me), but I still want to let them know how detrimental their developments are to the public realm of this city (and especially in the greater downtown area). So, if you don't mind, please reply back with a list or send me a personal message. Thanks (and no, I'm not that crazy, I just want to call them out on it even if it goes nowhere). By the way, my critique email will be professional and will attempt to ask them to take a deeper look at what they're putting up rather than just complaining.