Toronto 350 Evans | 138.78m | 42s | RGC | Arch. Unfolded

This will be the first of many conversions on the south side of the QEW. It seems like developers are incorporating large spaces for non-residential uses in a lot of new proposals so maybe not an either-or situation.
All of which should be reject to the fullest extent.

As of right zoning will be in effect in due time, and should unlock many new development opportunities for denser residential builds all across the city. Once we lose employment zoned lands, we lose them forever, there's no going back.
When I say I live in the area, I mean I live a 5-minute walk from the site on the south side. I speak with neighbors all the time, and our biggest gripe with the area is that, without any consultation, four new fulfillment centers have been built here. Each center has the capacity to hold 25 or more 18-wheel trucks. If you ask me, once those fulfillment centers open—which should be soon—they will cause traffic, not this development.
Mark Grimes and others, alike, don’t want to see these types of developments go in, but this is perhaps why he was voted out in the last election. As more and more people are moving into this area with families, they do not want these massive industrial buildings. Although I don't think this proposal is perfect, I think it is a step in the right direction in transforming this area into the 21st century.
