Personally, I really like this proposal but I actually do agree with you on the all glass podium to tower trend.
There are some beautiful all glass towers and proposals but the all glass everything is really overdone. I would like to see more brickwork and stone, concrete, what have you, instead of all glass on the ground level. It doesn't feel as human friendly, nor does it make any podium these days really all that memorable.
There are photos back in this thread that would suggest there will be another building with an L shaped podium built to replace the other two buildings.
It seems only older buildings and buildings that have heritage status get the add on treatment... I have nothing against these buildings, in some ways I do think it would be nice to save some of it. But it just doesn't seem to happen unless a building is about 50 years old... we should learn to appreciate architecture that is not quite that old but not exactly new either.