Toronto 30 Scollard | 229.6m | 62s | Constantine Enterprises | CAL

I'd be willing to bet the City will consider this "too tall" because it doesn't step down from the height peak at Bloor.

Toronto Model 01-22-22 30 Scollard.png
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The height peak at Bloor will be there 330m by the time this is built. This will be almost 100m shorter.
The approved height is 308m, and that's what will be used when evaluating this proposal. But either way, just take a look at steveve's diagram - this building makes a very conspicuous breach in the clothesline. Just like they said 260m at Bay & Bloor was "too tall" because it doesn't adequately step down from the peak at Yonge & Bloor, they'll say the same thing here.

I'm not saying that I agree with it - very much the opposite. But my prediction is that it will be chopped to around 200-210m before approval.
The approved height is 308m, and that's what will be used when evaluating this proposal. But either way, just take a look at steveve's diagram - this building makes a very conspicuous breach in the clothesline. Just like they said 260m at Bay & Bloor was "too tall" because it doesn't adequately step down from the peak at Yonge & Bloor, they'll say the same thing here.

I'm not saying that I agree with it - very much the opposite. But my prediction is that it will be chopped to around 200-210m before approval.

I have no substantial proof of this, but seems like the city is starting get more lenient with height, as long as it doesn't mess with Jesse Ketchum
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The approved height is 308m, and that's what will be used when evaluating this proposal. But either way, just take a look at steveve's diagram - this building makes a very conspicuous breach in the clothesline. Just like they said 260m at Bay & Bloor was "too tall" because it doesn't adequately step down from the peak at Yonge & Bloor, they'll say the same thing here.

I'm not saying that I agree with it - very much the opposite. But my prediction is that it will be chopped to around 200-210m before approval.
I suspect from the repeating pattern in the cladding that the overall shape and design can remain intact if cutting size is needed, making it still stand out. And presuming the developers don't use the said cut as an excuse for cheaping out on it.
I'd be willing to bet the City will consider this "too tall" because it doesn't step down from the height peak at Bloor.

Well...any hopes of the northern part of the DT skyline growing and becoming exciting are quickly being squashed. The One proposal height increase was pretty much shot down, and now this. Looks like you were right.
The city thinks everything is too tall! Can't the developers just override it and appeal to the province? I thought Doug Ford created some legislation that allows unlimited height? Maybe Im confused haha.
