Mayors office would still be under Fords control, Tory doesn't get it until December 1st.
My questions are bolded, the answers are from the Mayor's office.
-I've read that the Mr. Christie site has been zoned for commercial use - does this mean along with transit we'll see restaurants and shops?
Currently the property is zoned for employment use which basically means light industrial or office only. when all is said and done I wouldn't be surprised to see some form of commercial there but as a smaller part in a larger development.
Wow. That last response shows that Tory (and/or his staffers) are unfamiliar with how much of a fight the City puts up to not rezone employment lands for other uses. Hmm.
Mayors office would still be under Fords control, Tory doesn't get it until December 1st.
Call me old fashion or naïve but I would like to see as much of Toronto's near core industrial land kept for light-industrial use. What I would like to see is young millennial etc. entrepreneurs who are interested in made items colonize these light industrial spaces and incubate businesses that can graduate to larger 905 digs or off-shore production. I realize I'm dreaming because there are three hurdles: Land owners will always get more money converting to residential or retail, the economics of made goods is questionable in Canada, and young people today have very little ambition in this regard because they have grown up in an environment where goods producing industries are considered backward and uninteresting economic sectors.
My questions are bolded, the answers are from the Mayor's office.
-Will there be a kiss & ride to the Mimico Go Station? If so, when?
A kiss and ride is included in the current reno plans at Mimico GO. If it hasn't been completed already it should be done shortly:
-What's happening with the Mr. Christie Site? I know it's been closed but are we turning this into a transit hub/ Go station stop? If so, when?
The property owner, Mondelez (which is a Kraft subsidiary) has put the property up for sale. As far as we are aware, no buyer has been found. Whenever the property is purchased, and a development application does come forward, one of the first things we would ask for is for the new owners to transfer the necessary lands to the City to make a transit hub possible. A time frame is hard to determine as so much depends on the sale of the property and the eventual purchaser.
-When will the Lakeshore Go Station line be electrified?
The lines are owned and operated by Metrolinx which is a Provincial agency. They have indicated that they intend to electrify the GO lines starting with the Kitchener/Georgetown line and the Lakeshore West line but they have never delivered a time line.
-I've read that the Mr. Christie site has been zoned for commercial use - does this mean along with transit we'll see restaurants and shops?
Currently the property is zoned for employment use which basically means light industrial or office only. when all is said and done I wouldn't be surprised to see some form of commercial there but as a smaller part in a larger development.
Fantastic news to report: Concord Adex is the developer.
City Place West?
aka acres of grey spandrel to look forward to.