Admiral Beez
Damn straight! You Canucks have to accomodate me, it's the rules of multiculturalism. When my family and I immigrated here in the 1970s we demanded that everyone speak our language, that the government and judicial systems be made to accomodate what we're used to back home, that our monarch appear on all the coinage and that her representative be given a high office above the elected PM.Unlike the U.S. which encourages people to assimilate the existing culture, we've spent the last 40 years telling newcomers that their culture is what matters, we've even funded the teaching of it.
Seriously though, Canada really doesn't have much of a Brit-expat community here. Not like in Oz. Here in Canada us Brits quickly assiminated into the POWP (Plain Old White People), consisting of all the other immigrants from Europe. Of course, what does it even mean to be British? To me British is having a British passport (like my Canuck born kids) - while I am English by birth and ethnicity.