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Toronto 2024 Olympic Bid (Dead)

One big cost I don't think we'll have to worry about is the anti-air guns on top of buildings.
Is their much cost to that? The missile launchers are all mobile, and those deploying and staffing them are all on salary without overtime.

The G20 was very expensive because the staffing was 100% civilian, and the overtime costs were massive. I've read that there are more military being deployed in London than police. Though the civilian costs in London will still be massive, the security costs I've seen estimated for London is only about £550 million. If Canada can afford $560 million for the G20, then £550 million for Olympic security doesn't seem that much.

Seems to me that the media are overplaying this one a bit ...
Ehh...try more like £1.5 billion. The total is currently estimated at about £9 billion with about £800 million for security costs.
We won't know the final number until way after the games.
This may throw a wretch into a 2024 bid

Canadian Soccer Association to bid for 2026 World Cup

It has been less than a 100 days since Victor Montagliani was elected president of the Canadian Soccer Association, on a campaign of culture change and promising to take Canadian soccer to the next level, and already he has the CSA aiming high....

This would be something the Feds would probably be willing to back as it spreads the money across the country and not just one place. I guess we'll wait and see who does what in the next year and a bit.
That likely won't happen until/unless governments and the COC come out in full support of a bid.

I'm guessing that is already in the works, discussions are already taking place, something. If not, it makes no sense for Minnan-Wong to suddenly bring it up at council. I can't imagine he is acting alone. I think it was done at the last minute intentionally, to preclude discussion and debate. Now Toronto council is officially on board, so one down, two more governments to go.

Right before the council decision, I happened to read "The Five Ring Circus", which details how the Olympic scam went down in Vancouver. It's the last thing Toronto needs.

So, working backwards, 2024 decision will be made in 2017, the applications go in about 2 years prior, so 2015. We have three to five years to stop this thing. It'll be a slog, so I'd like to see the opposition get started now.
@TOperson The Olympics can help a city like what happened in Barcelona. Toronto needs to spend money wisely like London but at a more cost effective way.
@TOperson The Olympics can help a city like what happened in Barcelona. Toronto needs to spend money wisely like London but at a more cost effective way.

Then why not just spend the money for the things Toronto needs directly, rather than this roundabout Olympics way?

Plus there is a whole debate to be had re: what Toronto needs and whether those things are in any way Olympics-related. Plus there is debate about the true benefit to Barcelona, and anyway it's just one city out of dozens that got screwed by the Olympics. I happened to be living in New South Wales during the time of the Sydney Olympics. Many people were appalled when they realized what the Olympics would really mean, not just for the city but the whole state.

Anyway, I'm not looking to have that debate on this thread. I'd just like to connect with people who oppose the Toronto bid so we can get to work.
Good luck with that especially if the 2020 support numbers are about right.

Yes the Olympics cost money, something that does not benefit everyone. (But does spending in middle school benefit a single adult? no)


1) Makes infrastructure development go faster (For the 2015 Pan Am Games the airport link will be built, something that wouldn't have been done by 2015 if the event wasn't here)

2) Job Creation - yes the event will create jobs.

3) Foreign exposure - Barcelona's tourism numbers dramatically increased and remained at the same level. Tourism = economic benefits.

4) Much needed sport and community venue investment. When we live in a world with an increasing obesity epidemic venues that the public can use is necessary. When Toronto bid for 2008 all school gymnasiums + and community centres were going to be renovated .
Just watched a BBC program which dealt with many issue of the upcoming London Olympics..
One key point someone made was that the budget was about $12B and the revenue expected would be about $ that an adequate ROI?

I can't imagine the hosting the Olympics being a profitable venture on its' own - but it can provide the impetus for significant investments in the city, plus other intangibles such as name recognition, etc. If the host city gets its' act together, that is.

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Still, only £800 million seems cheap to me.

That's the current estimate. However, according to the Guardian they've spoken to officials who claim the real security cost will be closer £1.5 billion. We won't know the final figures until a few months after the Olympics.

Heck, they already sold the Olympic village at a £300 million loss.
Again, if Toronto needs athletic facilities, transit infrastructure, whatever, financed by some combination of the three levels of government, why can't it just get built? It's our (tax) money. Why involve the Olympics at all? Why spend millions just on the bid, when that money could go to some of the needed infrastructure?

Two good books on the subject: The Five Ring Circus by Christopher A. Shaw, and The Best Olympics Ever? by Helen Lenskyj.

Re: tourism, again, Barcelona is one city out of dozens and it's doubtful that tourists go because the Olympics were held there 20 years ago. I'll bet that Gaudi and the Woody Allen movie shot there has more to do with it than the Olympics ever did.

When have you ever heard anyone say "I've got to go to X, the Olympics were once there"? Or "Ugh, I would never go there, they've never had the Olympics!"
