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Toronto 2015 Pan American Games

Calling Kanye untalented is ridiculous. I don't like his latest stuff but untalented? LMAO.

Talented rapper is an oxymoron.

I'm of course not saying that spoken word is not an art form...just that the likes of Kanye or Jay Z are not talented purveyors of it. It's like saying the people who work at McDonalds are talented chefs. It's also not really "music".

It isn't my opinion that they should be hiring Drake over opinion is they should not include rap as a genre in the show period...let alone headlining and constituting the majority of the performances of the musical portion of the ceremony. It's in poor taste and shows just how farcical the marketing management of these games has been.

I think back in the day when you guys were fans of Elvis

And please...I wasn't listening to "Elvis" during my formative years...I was listening to early hip hop among many other things going on at the time (as in one genre did not dominate at the time...a concept probably hard for you to relate to). And I thought it was stupid then too. Although I will say some of the break dancers actually had some "talent" and was actually entertaining (but again...not music).
I got to see A Tribe Called Red for free at the Exhibition grounds last week, therefore I am fully in support of said games.

Minus points for a cheap sound system: the boys blew the speakers minutes into their set. Well, minus points for Pan Am, plus points for ATCR.
I would also say that hip hop and rap aren't music; neither involve singing and individuals that play their own instruments. In fact rappers have been sampling Led Zeppelin's and other rock bands' drums and musical notation for decades and passing it off as their own (to their largely ignorant fans). A friend of my brother's actually thought that Zeppelin copied Puff Daddy when he first heard Kashmir.
So music has to include singing AND playing an instrument?
Besides the fact that synths ARE in fact instruments, that's a really odd definition of music. I guess most of what I listen to is unmusic then. News to me.
And who cares if Kanye fills stadiums and sells platinum records (that's irrelevant); so did Milli Vanilli? The most talented musical artists are generally the obscure ones that are not on the public awareness radar. The types that play in coffee houses and other small venues. Generally, the bigger, more fashionable something is these days, the greater the joke it is. If we use popularity as the metric to define greatness, than Miley Cyrus must be one of the greatest artists of all time. Apparently, The Hangover is the highest grossing comedy movie ever, but anyone with common sense would recognize that their is a complete absence of clever, witty jokes. Anyone with standards and an appreciation for creatvity would know that such a movie doesn't hold a candle to something like Caddyshack or Vacation.
A synth isn't an instrument in the sense that a guitar, tuba or dulcimer are. A synth samples other instruments. It's kind of like what processed food is to cuisine; it's artificial, computerized sound that that lends it existence to the one's it mimicks. That's to say that interesting things can't be achieved by their use. Depeche Mode has utilized them very well.
A synth isn't an instrument in the sense that a guitar, tuba or dulcimer are. A synth samples other instruments. It's kind of like what processed food is to cuisine; it's artificial, computerized sound that that lends it existence to the one's it mimicks. That's to say that interesting things can't be achieved by their use. Depeche Mode has utilized them very well.

Err, no - a synth can, but does not have to sample other instruments. A more appropriate comparator might be cuisine using different ingredients and methods instead.

Where do you get your synths? :p

Not all synths sample or mimick other instruments. Led Zeppelin? Depeche Mode?
If I were to guess that you're of the mind that any music post-1990 is crap, would I be correct? :p

These kids.....when I was young, we used to sing and play instruments.

Just ribbin ya....though I find your opinions on the, bizaarre.

What would you call this unmusic?
It's rather bizarre - and DM of old uses analog synths, which are definitely NOT sample based. In fact, modern synths often uses multiple synthesis techniques, which may very well include but is not limited to sample synthesis.

Also, I'd like to point out that immense skill goes into producing music using synths.

...or unmusic or whatever the stuff I listen to is supposed to be called now.
