Developer: Brookfield Residential
Architect: KPMB Architects
Address: 20 Front St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 574 ft / 175.00 mStoreys: 52 storeys
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Toronto 20 Front West | 175m | 52s | Brookfield | KPMB

For a city that cares about view planes, it's surprising that they're not protecting one of the most prized views by tourists and locals alike: the CN Tower. This is one of the few places one can see it almost in its entirety yet they're allowing this view plane to be majorly compromised? They need to eliminate construction on the southern end of the lot entirely and give the developer more height on the northern end. Just protecting views of the CN Tower's pod isn't good enough .
For all the immaculate towers and quality whatnot put up in this block, this would be a significant downgrade if ever built. That is, janky massing, spandrelicious and Toronto grey...things that should not be allowed to be built there in maintaining decent continuity, IMO.
For a city that cares about view planes, it's surprising that they're not protecting one of the most prized views by tourists and locals alike: the CN Tower. This is one of the few places one can see it almost in its entirety yet they're allowing this view plane to be majorly compromised? They need to eliminate construction on the southern end of the lot entirely and give the developer more height on the northern end. Just protecting views of the CN Tower's pod isn't good enough .
Agreed. And I will add the Roger's Center to that list. The two structure create the iconic view side by side to give Toronto its biggest defining characteristic from the Waterfront. Recently I started realizing that the arena is kinda being blocked by specifically the Quay. It's a bit sad to see, but it is acceptable still. Hopefully no more building will be built in front of the arena. I really want to see the spire and the dome in the waterfront skyline for generations to come.

God, Kill it with Fire!!!

While I want to be hopeful in the chance that this relatively simple design is well executed, I still can't help but feel this is a forced in, awkward siting for a residential building. I'm also not a fan of the way this intrudes this west facing vista of the CN tower, especially given that there's very little architectural expression or...anything of interest at all to this structure. If anything, this is almost like a grey photocopy of childs drawing of 55 Scollard, or heck, 88 Scott, but dumbed down to two volumes.
Everyone talking about protecting this view is wild. The CN Tower will eventually be blocked from this view when Oxford redevelops the convention centre. And a skyscraper will inevitably be built at 33 Yonge Street and 1 Yonge Street West. It will be a different view, but still an impressive one.
I don't particularly hate the massing of the building or even its unremarkable utilitarian cladding... but the monochrome monotony of its appearance is dreadful. We already have a whole lot of grey and icy-cool cladding in this town. Help!

As for the Skydome, I'd be happy if future lakeside views of it were swallowed up by new builds. There's absolutely nothing sexy about that squat, ungainly thing.
