Hamilton 188 Cannon Street East | 106.1m | 32s | Vantage | Arcadis

lol you can tell which parts are new because they're boring...

my eyes are only drawn to the building with the bay windows.. disappointing design if they're trying to tie in with the existing architecture. The pillars look like theyre concrete slabs right out of the brutalist 80s. Gives me downtown public library vibes.
I'm really into the podium exterior. I like how they used the bay window motif on the brick patterning on the ground floor.

My only two critiques are technical in nature; there should be more bicycle parking being on two major cycling routes (Cannon and Ferguson) and the bicycle parking should be on the ground floor rather than the second one replacing vehicle parking where drivers can easily go up a slope. And the ground floor should have less parking in general to allow for more ground floor spaces that add vibrancy to the street level in this otherwise dead zone.
I don't get why every new design has to be devoid of colour - these things always start with more vibrance and the city just says "remove all character, remove all colour - there, better."

I edited my response as I realized these designs are actually BRICK and not concrete, or at least it looks like that from squinting at that - that DOES change it somewhat. I thought the "patterning" I saw on them was just poor rendering quality lol.. mind you.. there is nothing that says they won't be brick stamped concrete..

Cuz if it was concrete, it would just end up looking like this, and I am NOT for this look. Brick is just more stable, easier to repair and doesn't age like "raw" concrete does - as evidenced by below:

I still think the lack of colour whatsoever is gross though lol - NOT to say I was gung-ho about the cyan colour, but.. something would be nice. Hell even the building above has SOME colour.
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Hopefully it ends up being brickwork similar to that used on the floor level of the Mac Graduate Residence.
