Toronto 1744 Dundas West | 21.9m | 7s | 2684924 Ontario Inc | Sol-Arch

I was hoping the fugly little apartment immediately to the east would also be included in this development. Guess not.

I kinda like that apartment it has character — the angles, the punched out decorative circular window in the brick! I'd be much more inclined to redevelop the houses between it and the church and urbanize the streetscape along that stretch.
These designs by Sol-Arch tend to look very Sim City-ish, but I wonder if this will ever get built in that form anyways. A couple of their past notable renditions for 601 Oakwood and 3258 Danforth ended up getting scrapped by each respective developer and replaced by another firm.
Interestingly, the two buildings immediately to the east of this development are both for sale right now. Would make a decent assembly with this one...
Interestingly, the two buildings immediately to the east of this development are both for sale right now. Would make a decent assembly with this one...
Certainly it would create a far superior building lot, if it can all be assembled for a reasonable price.

Better, yes. Good? Not really.

Unfortunately we're just not Tokyo yet. I would love for these sorts of 5-7 storey infill projects to just start popping up everywhere but with land prices and development restrictions what they are, it would be very tough to make the numbers work.
Yeah, I'm going to 100% disagree with you there. But hey, that's what we're here for!
Attractive cities aren't necessarily the move. Messy is best!

The first thing I would say is Chacun son goût ; 'to each their own'

But then I'd add.......I feel strongly that Toronto shouldn't try to be anywhere else.

It isn't anywhere else; and no place is well served by being a pale imitation of somewhere else.

That said, we all take different points of inspiration in the world.

Architecturally, I'm quite taken by the core of Vienna, Austria. The burbs there, not so much.

But I wouldn't want to see Toronto try to reproduce its pre-20th century aesthetic.

Though I would love to see more pedestrian alcoves, and stairs; and nicer treatments of both where we have them.

But as a product of Toronto I wouldn't trade our global cuisine for the more Germanic meat and potatoes of Vienna at all.,

There are things in Tokyo I appreciate; but overall, I find much of the architecture and public realm...........lacking.

I also don't care for trains that require professional pushers to fit people on them!
