They keep rolling in..
This is in front of the DRP tomorrow, so we have updated renderings:
I largely agree, particularly with the multiple accesses off George which is a narrow street connecting to Hess Village. The “local” street fronting onto Main makes a bit more sense given the current state of Main, but the better fix is to reduce lanes and convert Main to 2-way than to introduce a window street.Do not like the 4 vehicle access/egress points for cars on George Street, too much clutter!
The mid-block 'street' should run straight from Main to George, with all vehicle access to buildings 1 and 2 off that new street, ideally, a 2-way public road.
Building 3 should have a single vehicle access point, roughly where it is currently proposed off-George, but with a much less impactful footprint.
I largely agree, particularly with the multiple accesses off George which is a narrow street connecting to Hess Village. The “local” street fronting onto Main makes a bit more sense given the current state of Main, but the better fix is to reduce lanes and convert Main to 2-way than to introduce a window street.
I do think it's a result of changing landscape around the building. No parking minimums and a two way conversion mean a much simpler and therefore more profitable build here. I suspect resubmission with a design that reflects fewer parking stalls, and reduced complexity as a result of fewer garage entrances and proper entry/exit on Main St.Thought for sure this outfit would push forward on this site especially given the amount of development activity in the area and the prominence of this location. Maybe chump change for BGO, but I believe they put down in the range of 20-25MM for the land.