Toronto 16 York | 154.83m | 32s | Cadillac Fairview | a—A

Wow interesting, so those Lanterra ice owners knew when they bought that their view will be blocked by this building very close by
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Noticed they had the underside of the canopy illuminated (in testing) the other night (sorry didn't snap a photo) - the same lighting that surrounds the canopy around ICE. CF owns this portion so here's hoping they leave it on permanently!
I've always thought if this one was a few floors taller, divided into three equal blocks with the third block cantilevered back in line with the ground block it would be a rather striking building. It seems a bit simplistic.
It's Toronto - work that helps CARS is always a higher priority than work that helps pedestrians!
Don't let me get started on these COVID 19 bottlenecks created on this alter to the great CAR! /bleh
