It looks like it is 39 storeys now and now has 9% 3 bedroom units; also includes 8 Habitat for Humanity units that must average 950 sq ft/unit.
Approved by city staff:
This application proposes to construct a 35-storey (108 metre) condominium tower
inclusive of a 4 storey base building at the property known municipally as 159 Wellesley
Street East. . The plan proposes to increase the height and density of a prominent corner
lot; it replaces a contaminated brown-field property that has sat vacant for several years
with one that increases the usability, efficiency and density of the land, while minimizing
the impact on local residents.
City Planning Staff have reviewed the application against applicable policies and
guidelines and believe that the application conforms to Official Plan Policies and
meets the intent of most applicable urban design guidelines. The applicant has
responded to the comments of City Staff and made a number of changes to the
overall design that minimize the impact on the Wellesley-Magill Park, ensure an
adequate supply of parking and improve the public realm. The applicant has also
proposed to supply 8 units of low cost ownership housing stock in partnership
with Habitat for Humanity.