Toronto 1540 Bloor West | 91.9m | 27s | Trinity Group | Arcadis

Project in Panama. Podium resembles Giraffe. We need more projects like these in place of 300


More like that and Giraffe in place of 300? 300 Front West? Why pick on Tridel's best (exterior) design ever?

27 December 2008 photo update

Walking by the sales centre last night, I noticed some of the nice billboard is down--from the wind, or by CoT demand?


ps: Wonder how sales are going in the tanking market? (The Russian blonde I chatted with a few months ago seemed happy. Maybe because she's attractive?:))
Why would it be cancelled, its the best development in the Western area of the city.

Not sure if you've read a newspaper in the past 4 months, but the economy is not doing so great. Being a recent-ish development, there are a lot of reasons why this development might be cancelled, unfortunate as it may be.
Signs are up, lights are on, door is open. A reasonable person might conclude that they are still in business.

It's becoming a bit tiresome (again ... ) that almost every project apparently is now considered fair game for the "must be cancelled" speculation.
This project is still in sales; it is NOT cancelled by any stretch of the imagination. They have been in breach in regard to the city's signage legislation and have been required to remove all their exterior signs since roughly early October (an order to comply was posted ages ago). The company decided to partially comply with the order a few weeks ago.
I understand not wanting to claim a project is cancelled before it officially is, but since everybody on here speculates about a project's aesthetics or its contribution to a neighbourhood before it's finished (since we all know a finished building can look drastically different from the rendering), I personally don't see the difference.

I agree that this is a great design in a superb (if not visually appealing...yet) location and neighbourhood, but honestly, this market (resales and new) is in the toilet with pretty much zero sales going on. IMHO unless these sales centres and projects can stay open and weather the next 3 years, or are already at 70-80% sold, anything launched in 2008 simply won't happen...and while I know I'm repeating myself from another thread, that's a very very good thing for Toronto. We need a breather, let the dust settle from all the completions over the next 2-3 years, and then allow demand to build again for another great thrust of urbanization to take place!
I understand not wanting to claim a project is cancelled before it officially is, but since everybody on here speculates about a project's aesthetics or its contribution to a neighbourhood before it's finished (since we all know a finished building can look drastically different from the rendering), I personally don't see the difference.

I agree that this is a great design in a superb (if not visually appealing...yet) location and neighbourhood, but honestly, this market (resales and new) is in the toilet with pretty much zero sales going on. IMHO unless these sales centres and projects can stay open and weather the next 3 years, or are already at 70-80% sold, anything launched in 2008 simply won't happen...and while I know I'm repeating myself from another thread, that's a very very good thing for Toronto. We need a breather, let the dust settle from all the completions over the next 2-3 years, and then allow demand to build again for another great thrust of urbanization to take place!

Damn, I can't recall which thread it was in but someone posted info from Urbanation and I think Giraffe only had 30% sales (not sure if that is based on # units or gross SF for project, which is more critical).

I don't wish ill-will for this project since it's a good design and certainly adds vitality to a neglected neighbourhood, but this project might as well get canned since the reception there has not been well and they seem to be fighting an uphill battle.
