Northern Light
I have a bit of a problem squaring the circle on the City's position. On the one hand, we want 45 storey buildings here. Yet, when a proponent actually proposes one, we disagree with how they are going about it.
In fairness, as a principle, that is Planning's job. To consider whether the building meets multiple different goals and guidelines from separation distances to shadowing. Now, whether they have it right in this case is a different matter.
The lots on streets like this are not going to accommodate the point-tower over large podium type development that the City prefers. In terms of separation distances from other future towers, there are no other towers presently in the vicinity, so to me, as the first mover, this application may as well get an advantage and be permitted, with neighbouring applications, if they come, being scrutinized for separation distance.
So here, we essentially agree, because here's what I did......
I looked at all 4 sides of the building.
East: Faces railway corridor, no room for any buildings
North: Faces Hollis, separation distances does not apply.
South: Faces Mt. Dennis Station, no tower has been contemplated or proposed here so far as know, the Block Context Plan shows none.
West: 2 narrow SFH house forms, followed by a proposed park and pedestrian access to Mt. Dennis Station.
No viable development potential.
Separation from what, exactly?
Block Context Plan:
On the neighbourhood form idea raised soft landscape (front yards); there is virtually no chance of any of those SFH house forms surviving here.
The Block context plan shows those on the north side of the street likely to go in favour of a new tower, I concur.
The only two they imagine staying are the stranded two on the south side of Hollis, which I think will be acquired as parkland. Regardless, 2 houses do not create or sustain a neigbhourhood character.
Stranded SFH:
Land to the west is Mx - owned.
I find the objections odd here.