I can only assume from your Urban Dreamer style rant that you have zero understanding of the project, potential purchasers, or even know what stucco is!
I have an understanding of the project. The stucco crap comment of UF's might be off, but everything else is correct. This is an ugly ham-fisted pre-cast PoMo joke for the more money than taste nouveau riche crowd, and yeah, some absentee overseas investors (but what tower in this city doesn't have its share of those?). If it has sold well enough that Mizrahi is moving on to the next site down Davenport, then that's an indication that there's an appetite for this sort of thing… but that does not make it good architecture nor appropriate for the area. Yeucccch.
... or rather it's not to the liking of the Apple Mac generation, hipster neo-modernist architecture students and Clewes sycophants, so you'll run it down by attacking the tastes of others...
Well, thank goodness you're above attacking the tastes of others. We certainly need someone to take the high road here (as opposed to this building, which is taking the low road, pandering to the 'look how klassy I am' crowd). Understatement is my thing; it's more calming in its quiet confidence, as opposed to the braggadocio of in-your-face grandiosity. If the latter is what you need, this is your new perfect pad.
I admit I prejudged this project's finishes, based on the first render. I thought it was a just another cheap-looking banality like the Royalton or the French Quarter, or what have you.
I will be glad if its clad in stone and if it manages to be crafted well.. but I'm a self-admitted architecture snob. Buildings speak and express.
This project smacks of riskless middle-class bourgeois consevativism. That's just how I, and I suspect a lot of other people, feel about this kind of building... It speaks to middle class aspirations and is conceived to evoke "wealth and status" with absolutely no originality or artfulness. That's how I feel. That's what I see here. It's just one opinion in the marketplace of ideas.
Contemporary architecture doesn't have to be cold and unfeeling. It's not all glass and steel boxes. We are living in a wonderful age for architecture and this expensive project is oblivious to that.
P.s. I am not a big Peter Clewes fan and never have been so.