Toronto 12° / 12 Degrees Condos | 35.66m | 11s | BSäR Group | Core Architects

The fieldstone on the townhouses is confusing and, as TKE notes above, the grey window wall leaves much to be desired but overall it's a positive addition.
It's also a shame that the three angled floors near the north end couldn't resolve in a 90° angle at the corner and instead had to be sliced away so as to not overhang the sidewalk: it really compromises the design. Not sure what another solution should have been though, as there are so many forces at work here determining the final form of a building, and it's a little too easy to say "the City just should have let them do the overhang".

I like the stone pillars on the base of the building extending upwards above the base making itself blend into the top half nicer then just stopping where the rest of the stone(fake stone, not sure) ends.
the undersides of the overhanging forms would look great if they were a bright color, yellow or red, or perhaps wood undersides like that new condo on Wellington. The dark grey blends too much, and color under there would draw attention to the interesting design.


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