Toronto 100 Wellesley East | 38.7m | 11s | CAPREIT | Core Architects

Not supportable at the moment, according to Planning Staff who want a number of reductions in its size. Good, it's stuffed too tight.

I feel that CAPREIT should focus on keeping their existing rental properties at legal winter temperatures before they build new properties.

Would be nice if the new building provided a meaningful counterpoint to the existing building onsite - or matched it in a meaningful and clear way. The proposed design is stuck in the middle and sits very uncomfortably next to the existing apartment block onsite.
These new properties usually help fund upgrades to the existing building.

Upgrades to the existing building onsite is not what I am speaking about. If you are a landlord as large and powerful and who makes the kinds of profits that CAPREIT does, you should be keeping your existing portfolio of properties at legal temperatures - full stop. Unfortunately, they do not do so. There is no reason that building a new property and increasing their profits would cause them to change their behaviour.
From KWT's latest newlsetter:

572 Church Street and 100 Wellesley Street East Public Consultations

A joint meeting for both development applications will be held to solicit community feedback.

The application for 572 Church Street seeks to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit a 16-storey (55 metres, including mechanical penthouse) mixed use building, the building is stepped back at the 5th floor to create a 4-storey street wall. A total of 98 dwelling units above 285 square metres of retail at grade, result in a total gross floor area of 7,489 square metres. More information can be found in the Preliminary Planning Report here.

The application for 100 Wellesley Street East proposes to construct a 10-storey (36 metres, including mechanical penthouse) infill building along Jarvis Street in a 'U' shape extending along Wellesley Street East to the south and Cawthra Square to the north. Along Wellesley Street East, the building steps down to a 7-storey building to the west and along Cawthra Square the addition steps down to a 6-storey addition to the west. The existing 28-storey rental apartment building containing 427 rental units on the site will be retained. The proposed infill building would be integrated and connected into the existing rental apartment building on site. The proposed infill would require the demolition of 3 existing rental units and reconfiguration of another 23 units. It is also proposed to develop 8 3-storey townhouses along Cawthra Square, immediately east of Barbara Hall Park. In total, 128 new rental residential units are proposed. The proposal, as submitted, it not supportable by staff and additional information can be found in the Preliminary Report here.

What: Community Consultation on 572 Church Street and 100 Wellesley Street East
When: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm.
Where: Holiday Inn, 30 Carlton Street, Wellesley Room
Here's hoping that some UTers will be at that meeting and able to report back!

This one is definitely over-development. Here's hoping for something more sensitive here.

Settlement approved at Council.

Renderings and the ground plan below from the settlement drawings.




That's significantly less insane than wrapping three sides of the original slab, as per the initial proposal, below. This leaves the Wellesley side with some 60s slabtastic dignity, thank goodness.

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