Senior Member
even I have so much confusion with the address.
Now let's pretend to be shocked that it didn't receive support based on the impact of the proposal, even though its massing is literally just a floorplate extruded 58 storeys. No regard to framing (small) views (I realize they will change quickly as new developments crop up), taking advantage of daylighting, or architectural problem-solving. It's also a bit insulting to the public that they highlighted the parks... in a SHADOW study! Clarity of communication and communicating an accurate message is not difficult, and they should have known better.
Yonge Street north of Bloor deserves some sort of architectural articulation and interesting massing, not just another point tower.
Yesterday: 1 Yorkville Lauches. Today: 1 Yorkville 80% sold? This market is on fire. The $13m penthouse is still available though!
^ 80% sold already? That's crazy. I didn't even know sales had started yet. Hopefully with reception like that we could get a height increase of 5 or more stories.
February 27 – 1 Yorkville Community Consultation Meeting
The City is holding a Community Consultation meeting for the planning application for 836-850 Yonge Street and 1-9A Yorkville Avenue.
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2014
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Place: The Stone Church, 45 Davenport Road
For further details, please see the official notice from planning here: 1 Yorkville Community Meeting Notice
To speak to the planner, contact Oren Tamir, at 416-392-7349 or,
You may also contact the Councillor at 416-392-7903 or,