Toronto Ïce Condominiums at York Centre | 234.07m | 67s | Lanterra | a—A

The proposed canopy was sleek and aerodynamic looking... Unfortunately what we got was a boxy, heavy looking thing that really doesn't do this building justice.
Don't rely on renderings too much, especially ones that were created for marketing (as opposed to actual architect's renderings). The marketing rendering above shows a roof plane that is much thinner than what can be achieved in Toronto. Snow loading and insulation requirements eliminate the possibility of an architecture of super-thin floating planes and extremely sleek rooflines.

That said, it's too bad the edge of the roof plane is not bevelled in the way that the rendering suggested. Despite it being thicker than what was depicted, it could still have achieved a lighter and sleeker form than what we got here.

Looking forward to seeing the "toothpicks" clad, though.
A bit old but
The concrete "toothpicks" are to be sheathed in an aluminum type casing. On the roof of ICE 1 you can (barely) see 1 completed one on the left by the vents, an upper half completed in the middle and through the lower right hole in the roof you can see another completed one. There is still alot of work to do in both towers and I've been told likely 5-6 months before complete, so probably longer...

Someone on this thread at some point was wondering about the quality of the finish to the underside of the podium. Took a couple shots of the weekend; they're working on it and there is a metal finish of some sort (rather than just concrete, as I think had been the fear).


You can see on this one that they're slowly chipping away at it; the grey is the finished product, of course.

And still chugging away in the courtyard:





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It's worth nothing that the garage slab is an extra 10 feet below grade in this project to ensure that there is sufficient planting soil for trees in the courtyard to take root. We need more of that type of effort to ensure greenery that can survive in an urban area (and one with a harsh climate at that). Thumbs up for that. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed courtyard this summer.
This looks great but I think the big negative associated with this project is the use of finishings at ground level; Namely concrete and only concrete for the sidewalks ... whereas all other nearby developments have went out of the way to do something different ..
The concrete "toothpicks" are to be sheathed in an aluminum type casing. On the roof of ICE 1 you can (barely) see 1 completed one on the left by the vents, an upper half completed in the middle and through the lower right hole in the roof you can see another completed one. There is still alot of work to do in both towers and I've been told likely 5-6 months before complete, so probably longer...

I heard that only the columns that hold the drainage pipes are getting the polished cladding. The rest will remain bare galvanized steel. Source: installer of said cladding.



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I know I'm probably the only guy to think this - but imo the towers would have looked much nice without the cheese hats.
That art installation in the courtyard is hideous at best. I guess this is what passes for "art" nowadays.

I know I'm probably the only guy to think this - but imo the towers would have looked much nice without the cheese hats.

I was of the same opinion when they released the first renderings, but now I think they look much better in person.
