Toronto Ïce Condominiums at York Centre | 234.07m | 67s | Lanterra | a—A

Speaking about cheese, this building is exactly that: cheesy. Those hats are silly kitsch and belong in Wuhan or Chengdu, or wherever.
Your comments (often) remain non-sensical.

I'm very good at taking snapshots so perhaps you could supply one (autofocus or manual) that is clear.

Cheese= Cheese

Shorthand is meaningless on an internet forum.

Cheese perhaps =aA swiss cheese hat on ICE? Much discussed and hardly worth repeating by you, a vigorous newbie.

Or do you have something specific to say about "cheese"? ICE is tall and thin.. like all magazine purveyors of politically incorrect female imaging in the marketplace. Exploitive? Perhaps. Clever, soaring, dynamic? Absolut(e)-lee.

Maybe your cheese comment was just about an ill-conceived hat? Maybe you are too busy to provide words or snapshots that make your comments/ pov clear.

Cheese- Cheese. Hard to disagree.
The cheese crap is getting old now, so the humour has all but gone the way of canceled 1 Bloor rumours, and Trump having floors lopped off, oh wait...

Thanks for the amazing compilation 3D. I hope the skyline looks this good when all is said and done.
Hey 3D! Thanks for taking the time to construct this very impressive rendering. Your effort should be recognized by at least someone.

In a few years we should be able to take a (carefully cropped) photo of the skyline and convince everyone that it's Hong Kong.
I'm sorry but if you're going to design a rooftop element like that you've got to expect the quips...

NYC = Big Apple

Toronto = The Big Cheese

Excellent rendering 3D, as always!
Except that Toronto's already The Big Smoke--and I guess the top of 161 Bay expresses that whenever it plumes out exhaust
I thought Toronto was Hogtown -- which the abattoir on Tecumseth expresses all too often.
I wonder if that'll help create a cloaking device so we would be immune to the world's credit crisis :D
this is awesome pic... 3dementia - do you have a higher res version -- ideally in 1920x1200 and 1400x1050 versions to make background on my desktop and laptop! ;-)))))))

A slice featuring ICE.

A close-up look at ICE in the skyline (from the compilation)... huge impact.

