Toronto Ïce Condominiums at York Centre | 234.07m | 67s | Lanterra | a—A

12 May 2013: Totally hot looking from the Gardiner tonight as the sun set. Missed the best shot--need a better camera, eh?

This isn't the best shot? You don't say.

Id suggest not taking photos while moving, in bad light, on an extreme angle, out of focus, and through a window would be a great place to start before even thinking of upgrading cameras.

I hate to be critical, as my photos are certainly open to criticism as well, but that photo deserves a healthy dose of criticism.
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No need to explain yourself. This isn't a photography forum so it really shouldn't be up for debate. I appreciate any update so thanks!
Gotta agree about defending this shot. It's not a photography forum and there's no need to get all finicky and technical about what is and isn't an arresting shot. Plenty of room for all sorts of shots - especially on a forum like this, which is all about updates rather than photographic technique. Snobbery for its own sake is never very appealing.
It isn't at all about photography, it is about information - and the photo does indeed provide a valuable update. UD's initial justification was sufficient in describing the photo and its shortcomings while providing us with a very recent photo of ICE. On the other hand, his follow up post(s) were worded in a presumptuous way. Humility is important when presenting a photo in written form. Though this forum isn't for discussing photography, I would like to give credit to the angle and composition in UD's shot. Its hard to shoot from a moving vehicle and even harder to shoot with a camera phone. If he had another few second to set up the shot it could have been pretty damn good.
^I posted it cuz it has a kinda arty look to it. May is Contact Photography month afterall :)

Yes, I shot it from a moving vehicle, in bad light, on a phone camera (set on the wrong setting), etc.

But you know what?

It captures the magic that is centre Ice :)

Hang in there UD. Keep them coming. It's not your fault these philistines don't recognize raw genius when they see it.
Just remember they laughed at all the ones that broke new ground. Picasso, Miro, Van Gogh, Dali, etc.
You are in with good company.
I bow before you. ;)
So far the roof looks like it will be quite boring. I understand it's still a wait and see game, but it's not looking anything like a slice of swiss cheese to me.

Of course I'm not a professional.


So far the roof looks like it will be quite boring. I understand it's still a wait and see game, but it's not looking anything like a slice of swiss cheese to me.

Of course I'm not a professional.
Uh, there is not even a bit of evidence to show how the roof will look yet. How can you be so pessimistic?
As for the "swiss cheese" look. It was already announced that the look will be different than that, but we were never shown updated renders.
