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The Tenor (10 Dundas St E, Ent Prop Trust, 10s, Baldwin & Franklin)

  • Thread starter billy corgan19982
  • Start date
I wonder what David Miller thinks of it.

If he, or anyone, rates it above the "piece of crap" rating then they deserve to have their eyeballs plucked from their heads. Ignoring the whole "it's an ad-covered media building" defense, there is still absolutely no justification or excuse for the final result. It's too bad, because it had so much potential. Instead, Dundas Square is marred by two terrible development failures. Even still, I like the area and have hopes for its future, but PenEquity needs to be obliterated. I'm sure there's a company out there that can help this building, miracle workers or not; I keep going on the hope that there's a chance.
The city should ban PenEquity from ever developing another property in the city. They've proven to us that as a development company, they are a useless joke. Make it a jailable offense for them to practice in this city again.

And no, I'm not kidding. The interior is borderline criminal.

The view along Yonge St from Edward is absolutely criminal. What horrendous joke of an architect thought that was a good idea? As for the rest of the building, I saw it in person for the first time in months and while it's sub-par, it's tolerable... unlike Torch, which almost turned me into an arsonist.
If he, or anyone, rates it above the "piece of crap" rating then they deserve to have their eyeballs plucked from their heads. Ignoring the whole "it's an ad-covered media building" defense, there is still absolutely no justification or excuse for the final result. It's too bad, because it had so much potential. Instead, Dundas Square is marred by two terrible development failures. Even still, I like the area and have hopes for its future, but PenEquity needs to be obliterated. I'm sure there's a company out there that can help this building, miracle workers or not; I keep going on the hope that there's a chance.

Me too... and what keeps me going is that there's a precedent (in the making). Torch failed so PenEquity unloaded it. Rogers has an excellent team with a proven track record working on it now so I'm very optimistic despite what people have said about the renderings.

Given PenEquity's own track record, I think they'll take care of obliterating themselves in short order.
With all the bashing going on about TLS I was wondering what changes people would propose to make it look better.

I mean serious changes, not the "Implode and start again".

Does anyone know why the HMV and the Salad King building were never included in the demolition of this block? It seems that by removing the HMV and incorporating the historic facade of the Salad King building would have created a much better Yonge street frontage. Covered up the ugly grey wall where the cinema's are.

P.S. Not sure what to call the other building other then "Salad King building"! Salad King!
Here's a wild guess, markel: the developers of TLS didn't own HMV and thus - shocker! - weren't legally entitled to demolish it. Sometimes I think we really ought to include a SimCity disclaimer on this forum's FAQ.
Here's a wild guess, markel: the developers of TLS didn't own HMV and thus - shocker! - weren't legally entitled to demolish it. Sometimes I think we really ought to include a SimCity disclaimer on this forum's FAQ.

Gee Thanks! I never really thought about that! And here I assumed you really could go around and just knock down things like in Simcity. Next thing you know someone is going to tell me I can't control eartquakes, tornadoes, and UFO's.

Cornflakes+yellow fluid=Sir Novelty Fashion.

I was wondering why the City had never been able to, or attempted to expropriate the land on which HMV or Salad King sits.

P.S. Thank you Grey for your response.
And thank goodness TLS does not extend into the land which HMV and Salad King sits (we would simply have a larger ugly building and more of a block buster than it already is).
With all the bashing going on about TLS I was wondering what changes people would propose to make it look better.

I mean serious changes, not the "Implode and start again".

Does anyone know why the HMV and the Salad King building were never included in the demolition of this block? It seems that by removing the HMV and incorporating the historic facade of the Salad King building would have created a much better Yonge street frontage. Covered up the ugly grey wall where the cinema's are.

P.S. Not sure what to call the other building other then "Salad King building"! Salad King!

Well the first thing I would do that I can think of, is put giant ads on the big grey part containing the theatres.
With all the bashing going on about TLS I was wondering what changes people would propose to make it look better.

I mean serious changes, not the "Implode and start again".

Well, properly finishing the interior would be a good start. Sometimes I wonder if they used up the entire interior budget on TVs and screens. Decent flooring, real ceilings (or those hanging "fake" ceilings could be nice) and other touches like that. I'd also replace those god-awful metal balcony railings with nice glass ones, so restaurant patrons can actually see the square from their tables.

As for the outside, I'd like to see all the zany touches promised. Toronto Life sign, the "doo-dads" along the roof, and the coloured lighting running up and down the pole. They could also fix the satellite screens' spacing, and put up the convex centre ad that was also implied. Nicer sidewalks and some entrance landscaping would be nice too.

Now we come to the massive east wall, which is the toughest. It could be covered completely in ads, however I'd think they'd be a tough sell due to the lower exposure. I actually liked the green wall idea, tons of vines could be trained up the side of it. One thing I'm a sucker for is climbing vines and greenery.
Actually, the fans' location would be a perfect spot for the Sam's records. Instant landmark. Plus it would break up the grey monotony.
