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TDSB Ponders Black-Focused Schools

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I agree. There are lots of black kids doing just fine in the school system, growing up to have successful careers and lives. This whole discussion is a disservice to them by linking them in with others. Isn't that the very essence of stereotyping??

I don't think it's stereotyping. We have to admit a problem before we can solve it. I'm not an expert on this or anything, but I went to satec@W.A. Porter which is a public school to which you have to apply and be accepted based on marks, and there were hardly any black students there and the ones I knew were mostly struggling students. On the other hand, there were plenty of non-white students who were doing very well. I know that at first this seems like stereotyping or being racist, but that's not really what it's about.
How much more common are single parent families among blacks versus other ethnic groups? I have a feeling there's much more to this than the lack of a nuclear family.
I think the constant use of "black" is very misleading. Overall black students do just as well as their counterparts from other backgrounds and are just as successful, if not moreso in life.

That's actually not true, syn. About 40% of black students of Caribbean descent do not finish high school. That's a shockingly high number.
The alternative school, and the new black school? what if you're black and gay? What do you do, get your ass kicked at the black school, or be 'forced' into a 'white' school?

I hope you're not suggesting that black people are more likely to be gay-bashing homophobes than whites? I know hip-hop culture makes it seem that way but statistically most reported hate crimes were committed by white males, not blacks.

i can't believe this got voted in. IMO, all it does is reinforce the negative stereotype that "all black people are the same". this has got to be one of the dumbest decisions ever made. someone must have thought to themselves: "hmmm, what do these dropouts have in common? a ha! they're dark!" IMO, being black has as much to do with dropping out as having facial hair.

No, no some of the other posters got it right. This is sensationalist propoganda from the media. Re-segregation, as this could be colloquially described as is only beneficial to black youth because it affords extra assistence the mainstream couldn't or are relunctant to offer. This is not separation as a demoralizer or punishment, but that extra level of empathy and care that the TDSB- who has to juggle 110+ nationalities and 80+ langauge groups representative of students from all walks of life- might be stretched too thin to do. The irony of what's being claimed here, that this will paint all blacks with the same brush, is exactly what the system's been doing for decades now, not giving two figs what future await a black student, only their statistical likelihood of failure.

Any idea that plays into the hands of white supremacists is a dumb idea. And this proposal for black-focused schools is as dumb as it gets. Racists must not believe their luck that the school board wants to remove black children from normal schools and educate them seperately. What year is this again? Whatever happened to "diversity is our strength" slogan that the city so proudly promoted a couple years back?

White supremacsts must be mistaken then because kids placed into special schools usually outpreform the public system 2:1. Girls-only and boys-only schools so far have proven the genders excel on average greater apart, than together. If similar success can be attributed to africentric schools for blacks, more power to them.

Black schools won't save most of our lost black youth...only a strong nuclear family can, since even with no money, living in abject poverty and despair, a strong family can get you through anything. So, day one of the black (Caribbean-focused) school has to be abandoning or deprograming everything they've learned about and from their culture so far.

I think it's more humane to lend a helping hand then to chastise blacks for being bad role models for their kids. This is a socio-cultural problem that can't be fixed over night or even within a generation. The systematic disadvantages blacks have endured still weigh heavily on attitudes and perceptions of the world around them. This is why blacks are considered a social problem by the mainstream but without social assistence they'll forever remain a social problem of which the few (or many) that aren't stereotyped as 'troubled' still won't catch a break. Retroactively this is long overdue and shows the same level of compassion every other minority group in Canada has gotten up til now.

I have a feeling there's much more to this than the lack of a nuclear family.

Yes, its called societal inferiority complex brainwashing, where the plight of arctic sovereignty and saving cuddly seals and dolphins is emphasised over black suffering :rolleyes:.
It will improve things for everyone else, as a large portion of the troublesome black kids in each school will be removed and sent to the black school, leaving only focused and motivated black students behind with everyone else.

Sadly, this may be one of the reasons why a black school gets the ok.
^ Fine, since we're being so feciscious, do you think it's fair for excelling black youth to be roped into the stereotype of troubled, underachieveing black youth? This is a multi-faceted issue, included too are those whose academic status can be compromised by the presence of given-up black youth peer-pressing others to follow suit.

We must remember this one pilot school opening in the largely black Jane-Finch area, so no massive waves of blacks from Scarborough, downtown et all won't be rounded up and shipped off there. And never forget the motivation, to incorporate into the mainstream popolus by first rehabilitating students' attitudes and aptitudes towards learning. It cannot start in a place where impressionable black kids are too afraid to raise their hands in class due to being percieved stupid by everyone else there including the teacher. Positive environment= positive results, debate over :cool:!
I hope you're not suggesting that black people are more likely to be gay-bashing homophobes than whites? I know hip-hop culture makes it seem that way but statistically most reported hate crimes were committed by white males, not blacks.

No, I wasn't suggesting that at all....but it seems you were very quick to twist my words around to suit your agenda.
BTW, it's also a very well known fact that the black community is overwhelmingly homophobic.
Also, if you're going to 'quote statistics', you need to cite reputable sources...your ancedotal evidence is meaningless.
Try again.

kids placed into special schools usually outpreform the public system 2:1.

Irony strikes hard. Were you in a 'special' school? How did you preform ?

its called societal inferiority complex brainwashing,

It's amnazing how far one will go to place blame on others....grow, take responsibility for yourselves. If you don't want to be a part of Canadian society (which includes schooling) then find somewhere more comfortable to the segregationist life you wish to lead.

Bottom line, if you want a black school, start one....just don't use my tax dollars to fund it.

since we're being so feciscious

WOuld you cut back on the foul language? please? ;)
It cannot start in a place where impressionable black kids are too afraid to raise their hands in class due to being percieved stupid by everyone else there including the teacher.

Fortunately, this doesn't happen...this is propoganda used to shift the blame.
A black student raising his/her hand and providing an intelligent answer, will be punished by the other black students, who now view this person as a 'sell out'....whitey has nothing to do with this.
Will someone please tell me how the methods to treat black kids chemistry, biology, physics, geography, English and French should differ from those taught to everyone else? Except for a few black history courses, how will this school differ?
No, I wasn't suggesting that at all....but it seems you were very quick to twist my words around to suit your agenda.
BTW, it's also a very well known fact that the black community is overwhelmingly homophobic.Also, if you're going to 'quote statistics', you need to cite reputable sources...your ancedotal evidence is meaningless.
Try again.

If I were twisting you words in an accusatory manner would I have started saying "I hope you're not suggesting...". I generally want to believe the best of people even if they're borderline condescending of others.

If all blacks are homophobes, than all whites are racists, all Asians are nerds, all Natives are drunks, etc. It's wrong to make generalizations about a group based on face-value stereotyping alone. If all you ever see of blacks in the media are negative protrayals, you'd be quick to assume the worse. But how is that assumption not racist, as you'd be perceiving them by skin-colour= certain behaviours common to all of that skin-colour?

Irony strikes hard. Were you in a 'special' school? How did you preform ?

The black community was split right down the middle on this debate, despite nearly all of them attending generic public schools. If something wasn't fundementally wrong within those schools that black grads had'nt witnessed/lived through, why would they now risk alienation by coming forth with their concerns? If you don't have a black skin you'll never fully understand the implications of being black, no more than I'll ever know what it's like to be Indian, Chinese, Latino, etc.

It's amnazing how far one will go to place blame on others....grow, take responsibility for yourselves. If you don't want to be a part of Canadian society (which includes schooling) then find somewhere more comfortable to the segregationist life you wish to lead. Bottom line, if you want a black school, start one....just don't use my tax dollars to fund it.

Re: "Go back to Africa!" -this coming from a member of our 'tolerant' Canadian diaspora. No wonder schools like this must exist at all costs. We're an integrated, but not necessarily together society. The 'black' problem is everyone's problem. Those tax dollars you fear this program will bleed away from you will eventually go towards feeding and clothing blacks in jail, help to fund gov't housing, food banks, free clinics and welfare cheques. The hypocrisy and misanthropy articulated by your statement is appauling sir.

WOuld you cut back on the foul language? please?

You have in a mere four statements expressed more ignorance and hatred about the value and importance of africentric schools than any explicit language could ever possibly capture. Good day, sir :mad:!
I generally want to believe the best of people even if they're borderline condescending of others.

You should take your own advice.

If all blacks are homophobes, than all whites are racists, all Asians are nerds, all Natives are drunks, etc.

I never said anything about "all blacks" nor did I make any mention of the other groups you brought seem to have quite a racist streak in you.

Perhpas your reading comprehension isn't up to do a lot of twisting here.

If you don't have a black skin you'll never fully understand the implications of being black

I completely agree....what's your point?

"Go back to Africa!" -this coming from a member of our 'tolerant' Canadian diaspora.

Who mentioned "going back to africa" ?...oh wait, you did!....what's your point?

Those tax dollars you fear this program will bleed away from you will eventually go towards feeding and clothing blacks in jail, help to fund gov't housing, food banks, free clinics and welfare cheques. The hypocrisy and misanthropy articulated by your statement is appauling sir.

I apologise, I was under the impression that you were an intelligent human being, with reading comprehension skills, I was mistaken. Your only interest is in perpetuating racism, playing the race/victim card, and twisting others words, and generally lying in order to "make your disgusting bigoted point".

You have in a mere four statements expressed more ignorance and hatred about the value and importance of africentric schools than any explicit language could ever possibly capture.

No I haven't, however, once again, have twisted and molded my words to fit your bigoted agenda....either due to the inability to comprehend english, or the wonton desire to create hatred amongst the races....I believe it's the latter. Racists like you disgust me.
Have a good day, your hatred of others overcomes you.
Look at these two ladies going at it over who offended who. Who cares? Why haven't you two just sent private messages back and forth instead of wasting text in an otherwise interesting thread?

Okay, Mod, maybe we should re-lock this one.
To: AB and IZ, why is it when you have nothing of substance to add in response to my posts you both resort to name-calling and ignore thread tactics? You both have said more controversial, hateful things than I have, only I'm problematic to you because I'll always call you out on it. My point is it takes a bigot to know one, so I'd caution you both not to twist my posts anymore because I've said nothing here with the intent of attacking you, the way you continually do to me.
To: AB and IZ, why is it when you have nothing of substance to add in response to my posts
Because your an obsessively contrarian gas bag who simply writes to see his own words in print, IMO.

Say something contributive to the discussion, without filling your own post with quotes from other contributors, and maybe I'll take you off my ignore list (should've known better to take you off to read this thread). Why you care if I read or see your nonsensical, argumentative posts, I don't know.
Who cares?

You cared enough to post....nothing of substance, but you posted anyway....perhaps you should stay out of it if it makes you uncomfortable? certainly have nothing to add.

You both have said more controversial, hateful things than I have,

Only in your hate filled opinion. You haven''t brought much to this thread, other then lies designed to further your hatefull agenda.

only I'm problematic to you because I'll always call you out on it.

You're not a problem to don't really have what it takes, however, I've noticed that when you're called out on your BS, you start throwing the race card around, and pretend to be the victim....pathetic.

My point is it takes a bigot to know one,

It's good of you to admit you're true, go make hate somewhere else.
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