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TCHC: Lawrence Heights Revitalization


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Apr 22, 2007
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From the Star:

Massive Lawrence Heights overhaul planned
Huge revitalization to create mix of housing raises fears the poor will get swept out
May 11, 2007 04:30 AM
Donovan Vincent
City Hall Bureau

The Lawrence Heights housing project was built as an "isolated ghetto," but three years from now the walls that separate it from the surrounding community will start coming down.

That's how Howard Moscoe, the councillor responsible for the area, is selling the city's revitalization plan for the often-troubled public housing complex.

There's no dollar amount fixed at this point, but the eventual goal is to tear down all 1,208 units of Toronto Community Housing Corp. that stand on 40 hectares near Lawrence Ave. W. and the Allen Expressway.

All the units will be replaced. Exactly where, in many cases, is still being determined.

When the revitalization is completed, 10 to 15 years from now, the concentration of social housing at Lawrence Heights will have been replaced by mixed housing, adding seniors' residences, condos and commercial space. Some surrounding land will also be redeveloped, including where schools and plazas now stand.

"It will be a public-private development deal, and the goal is to finance it through intensification – the sale of land,'' says Moscoe. "We're going to eliminate the (public housing) stigma.''

But some of the 3,500 residents are expressing unease and suspicion. They're fearful that, being poor, they'll be uprooted by the "renewal," sent elsewhere and never get to return.

"Prime real estate. That's what this is all about,'' says Mayhem Morearty, 26, a recording artist who has lived in Lawrence Heights all his life.

"This land, they can quadruple their money. Instead of rent geared to income, they can build umpteen condos,'' he said. The frustrating thing, he said, is at the end of the day "we can't do nothing about it."

A community meeting at a local school is planned for Monday evening. Moscoe, Derek Ballantyne as CEO of Toronto Community Housing and city staff will explain the early stages of the plan to residents.

The meeting is also billed as a way to get community input and encourage participation.

Moscoe says experience has shown that mixed-income communities are best. Success breeds success, he argues.

"The construction of social housing ghettos has been a failure wherever that's been done," he says.

"We were handed Lawrence Heights by the province. It was downloaded. It was in deplorable shape ... It's been a huge liability in the sense of the city wanting to provide decent affordable housing."

City planner Ted Tyndorf says the revitalization will create an integrated neighbourhood that has better physical connections to the larger community.

The Lawrence Heights makeover is part of the city's new plan for assisted housing, which shuns the construction of warehouses of subsidized housing.

Regent Park, an older, 28-hectare mega-housing project in the east-end downtown, is undergoing a gigantic 12-year, $1 billion overhaul that will reduce the site's proportion of assisted units from 100 per cent to 30 per cent.

The revitalization is being done in large part to stem the street crime and social problems in a housing site whose enclosed design has cut it off from the surrounding community.

Lawrence Heights has seen its share of trouble, too. It was plagued by a summer of gun violence in 2005.

At Regent Park, many subsidized units will be relocated to other sites nearby. The fate awaiting Lawrence Heights units is still undetermined, one of several issues that concern community workers Awale Jama and Eva Tavares.

Jama says residents are concerned about "gentrification," the kind of renewal that ends with the poor being priced out of their neighbourhood.

Tavares also fears the loss of a sense of community. She has lived in Lawrence Heights more than 25 years and raised her children there.

"We understand there will be a new demographic coming,'' she says, while pointing out the diversity of Lawrence Heights' current population. "There's a lot of culture here. It's an amazing place."

Jama and Tavares bring up points of pride such as the annual Canada Day festival, cleanup days, youth programs, sports tournaments and co-op gardens as initiatives that have instilled pride and a sense of ownership.

Instead of revitalization, money would be better spent on more programs, Jama argues.

i heard somewhere that even lawrence square plaza will be demolished!
There's Lawrence Square and Lawrence Plaza. Lawrence Plaza is the old strip mall at Lawrence and Bathurst. Lawrence Square (the one linked on Google Maps) is owned by RioCan and has the Zellers and Canadian Tire, at the Allen. It used to be the site of a Simpson's Warehouse.
RioCan has been very supportive of the idea of mixing retirement homes into redeveloped plazas due to their appearent success out west with residents being able to get out to the stores. I've never actually seen an example of it in Canada, and the ones in the States were less than breath taking but an interesting idea. I wonder if RioCan is floating that idea around with Lawrence Square since it's in a 'hood that could support it.
According to the city doc's, thats exactly what RioCan wants to do:)

"TCHC has been approached by several private sector real estate and development
companies interested in the future planning of Lawrence Heights. RioCan, a large
international real estate holding and development corporation owns Lawrence
Square, a 20 acre site contiguous with Lawrence Heights west along the Lawrence
Ave W frontage. (Lawrence Square is located at the intersection of Lawrence Ave
West and the exit ramp from the Allen Road). RioCan is interested in redeveloping
their lands with a mix of uses including market housing. They have expressed an
interest in our lands. Mixed use intensification at this site could assist in establishing
value for adjacent TCHC holdings and could support revitalization. Other
development companies and local non-profit housing providers have also been
interested in a revitalized Lawrence Heights."
Now if only we could get Allen Road rebuilt as a ground-level road with the subway underneath it. Bring it up to an intersection with Flemington Rd (the bridge north of Lawrence) and continue as a normal road to Eglinton so that those neighbourhoods can be better connected.
Except that that may spark an inversion of the stop-the-Spadina movement, i.e. it'll bring out the "James Alcock" in a lot of us.

(Note, "us" needn't meen us.)
From the Star:

Lawrence Heights plan draws residents' anger
Proponents of the renewal get an earful from those afraid they'll be squeezed out
May 15, 2007 04:30 AM
Donovan Vincent

Frustration boiled over last night as residents in the Lawrence Heights community attended an information meeting about the planned renewal of the area.

In the next three years the city and the Toronto Community Housing Corp. want to begin tearing down the nearly 1,300 units of subsidized housing and rebuild a mixed income community in the Lawrence Ave. W. and Allen Rd. area.

The plan is part of a 10- to 15-year project that will include redeveloping some land around the housing project.

About 300 Lawrence Heights residents attended a meeting at a local school to hear about the renewal.

Local councillor Howard Moscoe, (Ward 15, Eglinton-Lawrence), Derek Ballantyne, chief executive of Toronto Community Housing Corp., chief city planner Ted Tyndorf, and other city officials were on hand to hear residents' concerns.

And they got an earful.

"We don't need a blank slate. We just need to fix the problems here,'' Jacob Zorzella, 17, told them.

A number of residents voiced concern about being moved out of the community as the renewal takes place.

Ballantyne told them that those who are first moved out of the area will get first priority in terms of moving back, and that no one will be permanently displaced.

But that didn't satisfy Cynthia Rose, who has lived in Lawrence Heights for 14 years.

"There should be zero displacement,'' she said to cheers.

She suggested instead of moving people out of the community during the renewal, there's enough space to relocate people on the site, and move them back into the new buildings once they're constructed.

Ballantyne also said that the Lawrence Heights housing stock is in bad shape and needs to be replaced.

By selling some of the land, the money can be used to reinvest in the revitalization, he added.

But some residents expressed fear about developers moving in and taking over.

Others simply threw up their hands, calling the renewal a done deal.

"It doesn't matter what we say, this is going to happen anyway,'' said Senait Zeweldi, who recommended that local residents find some way to ensure their voices are included in the decision-making process.

Last week, Moscoe said the renewal plan would see Lawrence Heights losing its "stigma'' and becoming better integrated with the surrounding community.

The new neighbourhood is to include seniors' residences, condominiums, commercial space, along with subsidized housing.

Wouldn't have thought that shitty public housing ghettos have their own bizarro-version of head-up-their-asses North Toronto NIMBYs, but you learn something new everyday I guess.
Here's an idea - stop living in subsidized housing if you want a say in how it's developed. I can't believe the entitlement mentality some people have, like it's their god-given right to have other residents subsidize them so they can have a nice place to live. How ungrateful can you get? I wonder if that woman who's lived there for 14 years ever considered that maybe she shouldn't complain too much about the deal she's getting on the rent?
