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Tamil Protests downtown

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Annoyed awareness is better than blissful ignorance, certainly.

Also: Children certainly were present at the protests that resulted from the recent Israel/Palestine conflict. It's common for protestors to include their children.
Most of these university students have no idea about the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

lol, Punjabi's salute them for that!!

Most people in the Punjab (Northern India) will never forgive what Indira Gandhi did there and what Rajiv continued.

Sonia Gandhi and Rahul are alright, however the Gandhi family is cursed... They are like the Kennedy's
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lol, Punjabi's salute them for that!!

Most people in the Punjab (Northern India) will never forgive what Indira Gandhi did there and what Rajiv continued.

Sonia Gandhi and Rahul are alright, however the Gandhi family is cursed... They are like the Kennedy's

Are you referring to the events around the storming of the Golden Temple?
lol, Punjabi's salute them for that!!

For being ignorant of the fact that the LTTE killed Rajiv Gandhi or for the actual act of the assassination?

Whatever the history, I am just dumbfounded that people can take to the barricades without knowing any of it. Then they wonder why the international community does not rally to their cause. The LTTE recently released statements saying that they wantd to make amends with the 'Indian superpower'. I just wonder what these folks are smoking.
Whatever the history, I am just dumbfounded that people can take to the barricades without knowing any of it.

I remember that large anti-globalization protest that happened a few years ago and quite a few had no grasp of the issues when questioned by reporters. Simplistic ideas don't solve complex problems unfortunately.
Are you referring to the events around the storming of the Golden Temple?

Yes but that was only the start.You have the massive amount of violence and the riots and the countless number that were mistreated and killed by the government police.

Countless young men were "taken by the police" and were found in farm fields. My father was in India for 2 months during that time and about 3 guys in the village went missing. Well they were never found...

Sonia Gandhi started this by attacking the Golden temple, an act so sacrilegious in itself. Then Rajiv let the problem get even worse.

That is why many in Northern India are happy they were killed.

However Keith you are right, any chance the Tamils had of getting a homeland died when they killed Rajiv Gandhi. They just alienated India who was one of their biggest supporters.
Ah, I see. I knew of the big events happening there at that time but little about what followed. A sad series of events.

I also wonder what the Tigers were thinking when they murdered Rajiv Gandhi. India has an entire state in the south that has a Tamil majority and I'm sure there was a lot of sympathy for the Tamil cause before the assassination occurred. On the same subject, I wonder if the support for the Tiger cause--especially more direct support for arms and funding--is as strong or well organized there as it is in the diaspora. Given the close proximity to Sri Lanka I would think Tamil Nadu would be directly involved in LTTE support unless there are other factors at play here such as Gandhi's murder.
The LTTE was set up by the Indian intelligence agency RAW kinda like how the Pakistani ISI helped set up the Taliban. They provided training, arms, air dropped food and medical supplies, etc. However, in the beginning it was only one of many Tamil separatist groups. Later on when the Indians decided to become an honest broker in Sri Lanka they sent in peacekeepers with a mandate to disarm all the tamil groups. The one that resisted was the LTTE which ended up killing 1100 Indian soldiers. It was India's vietnam. Gandhi, however, refused to relent. It was his successor who removed the troops. When it looked Gandhi was going to be re-elected, the LTTE feared he would again crack-down on the LTTE (not just in Sri Lanka but in India and other surrounding countries) so they assassinated him.

There is of course depth to the story. Indian troops did commit a few atrocities of their own while embroiled in the conflict. And the LTTE did and still continues to find significant support in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu (where most of the world's tamils live). Indeed, RAW trained and ran most of its LTTE support from TN. However, Gandhi's death essentially ended whatever sympathy the wider Indian population and the Indian defence and security establishment had for the LTTE. India remains concerned about achieving what they call a 'just peace' with significant rights for Tamils. But the establishment sees no need for the LTTE and would love to see them destroyed. And that's become a sore spot for the Tamils. Even the ones here routinely complaint about the lack of Indian support…yet few of them know the history.
It appears that people are concerned about the here and now. Death is so final.

Where was their concen half a decade agon when they were winning and killing Tamil and Sinhalese civilians? These protesters are Tiger sympathizers not Tamil supporters. Even now the protesters have made no demand of the LTTE to free the civilians despite that demand being made by the US, UK and our government. For that reason, I say Canada owes them nothing. We care about civilians not militants.
That explains things a bit better. There's always a danger in arming and training proxy fighters to do one's dirty work--eventually they might become strong enough to do what they want and bite the hand that fed them.
I noticed less Tiger flags today with black flags instead, which I think seems more appropriate. You can see there are people who genuinely want to save their loved ones, and all they want is the violence to stop.
Scuffles Break Out As Desperate Tamil Protestors Try To Break Through Police Barricades

When cops told them they wouldn't be allowed to make that journey, many standing behind carefully placed barricades began scuffling with officers, as their frustration boiled over. Tamils started pushing at police who began shoving back.
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