Let's have a look at some of the countries which have the highest Islamic populations in the world to see whether or not your claim is correct.
Prior to 2004, blasphemy of the Quran was punishable by life imprisonment or death. Since that date, the law has not been changed but it is enacted with more 'moderate' outcomes (i.e.: lashings).
The killing of citizens by government and law-enforcement officials is commonplace. Religious persecution is also commonplace with several hundred thousand Buddhists, Hindus and Christians leaving the country within the past decade.
Homosexuality is illegal under Nigerian Federal law with offenders being subject to lashings or stonings. Children who are accused of witchcraft are burned alive.
Freedom of the Press is poor at best with criticism of the President resulting in fines and/or imprisionment. Prior to 1999, government regulations required all non-Muslims to obtain presidential decrees before building or repairing a place of worship. Obtaining permits for non-Muslims is still difficult. Members of the Bahá'à faith are not permitted to have an identity card. They are not allowed to own property, attend university, vote, obtain a passport or obtain birth, marriage or death certificates. They can, however, obtain these documents if they do not identify their religion as Bahá'à on official documents.
Canadian journalist Zahra Kazemi.
Human rights in Sudan can best be summed-up in one word: 'Darfur'.
It is illegal for Muslims to renounce Islam.
There is no minimum age for marriage in Yemen. Enrolment in schools by females is one of the lowest rated in the world as these 'child' brides are denied access to higher education. Conversion from Islam is prohibited. Homosexuality in Yemen is punishable by death.
17,000 political activists have 'disappeared' within the past four decades. Syrian-born Kurds are denied citizenship and are often discriminated against and treated as second class citizens. The penal code allows a judge to suspend punishment for a rapist if the rapist chooses to marry his victim. Courts are usually very lenient for 'honour killings'. Women require the permission of their husbands to travel abroad.
Despite outlawing slavery in 2003, 8% of the population of Niger are slaves.
There are no laws against spousal rape. High incidences of child abuse, child labour and human trafficking. The freedoms of speech, press, assembly, association, religion, and movement are all restricted.