New Member
Does anyone on this site forsee any current tower projects ending up like the original Bay Adelaide centre? If so, which project is most likely to finish it's basement and then go no further?
Oh god. What's with these newbies?
This isn't a discussion of a development. So it's not even in the right forum first of all.
Grow up and learn how to use a forum you newbs.
Regarding my personal suspects of projects that may stall, It just seems more likely that a new player, especially one based in a distant land, may have more issues delivering as promised then established players in this industry.
Yeah, if we experience a sharp, sudden recession, expect to see a LOT of stumps on the horizon.
migtree, Bazis is a large multinational company with more experience than most of our puny domestic developers. Where did you get the impression that they are a confused little foreign operation who could be crushed by the almighty Toronto market? Make no mistake, this city is an insignificant speck, and they're just here to make a buck while the market is hot. They've done their research, and they know what they're doing.