News   Jul 31, 2024
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News   Jul 31, 2024
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News   Jul 31, 2024
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Spate of Pedestrian Deaths in GTA

Remember way back two months ago when Pedestrian deaths were a trend? Whatever happened to that? CTV is sure over it. On last night's news, the scare of the moment was motorcycle crashes. There's been two crashes "in as many days". TWO! Two is a trend ya know. Then they showed clips of motorcycles driving, some would say racing, around the GTA for five minutes. The OPP is "concerned" about motorcyclists crashing. Scary! Who cares about pedestrians, when killer motorcycles are on the loose!
Thank God we have local TV to keep me informed of important matters like this. Tax me CTV, I want to know what will kill me tomorrow!

My favourite TV news story is the ubiquitous obesity segment. Somehow they always find candid footage of hundreds of fat people waddling along the sidewalks. Proof that there is an epidemic.
My favourite TV news story is the ubiquitous obesity segment. Somehow they always find candid footage of hundreds of fat people waddling along the sidewalks. Proof that there is an epidemic.

Haha! A friend and I always joke about this. Fat people stock footage is hilarious. It's always the most obscenely fat people too, wearing clothes way too small/tight.
They never show their faces either, it's always from the neck down.
The same is true for smoking. They just show their mouths but nmot their eyes and they get the nastiest smokers, French inhaling and smoking pipes.
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The cities of Montréal and New York City do NOT allow right turns on a red traffic signal.


Montréal also introduced the reduced 40 km/h (from 50 km/h) speed limit on local residential streets.


Something that Toronto City Council should consider? Forget about Rob Ford, of course, who thinks that roads are only for automobiles anyways. Bypass the Mayor's office and go with your ward's Councilor instead.
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Perhaps Mayor Ford can start allowing right turns on red on the corners where it is currently prohibited. That should teach pedestrians to get back in their cars where they belong.
Something that Toronto City Council should consider? Forget about Rob Ford, of course, who thinks that roads are only for automobiles anyways. Bypass the Mayor's office and go with your ward's Councilor instead.

Most local streets I know in the old city of Toronto already have speed limits of 30 or 40. I recall many in Etobicoke too. In fact some have a 30 limit and speed bumps and traffic calming.
This blame-the-victim mentality is nonsense. The power differential between a pedestrian and the driver of a Durango is so immense, it's obvious the onus to be careful weighs far more heavily on drivers than walkers.

Normally I would agree but I'm seeing more and more pedestrians just ignore common sense and wander into traffic expecting it to automatiicaly stop, not cross where they are suppose to and generally seem to be lost in their own worlds whether txting or wearing headphones and not paying attention.
Most local streets I know in the old city of Toronto already have speed limits of 30 or 40. I recall many in Etobicoke too. In fact some have a 30 limit and speed bumps and traffic calming.

Why have signs on just about every residential street that say 40 km/h on them, when it would be cheaper to legislate a standard 40 km/h for urban streets unless otherwise signed. Keep the 50 km/h and 30 km/h for those streets that can handle them, with signs.
responsibilty lies with both pedestrians and drivers. I drive at least 3 hrs per day in toronto and I see drivers blow through red lights,speeding etc..every type of driver young old,male, female. I also see pedestrians running across the road at any given point,walking on red lights etc... Pedestrians need to be extra careful,because it may be nice to assume that drivers will respect the rules of the road,there is always one who won't,and as we know,a car willl kill a pedestrian at almost any speed. drivers need to be less rude and entitled. There is no need to drive as fast and as irresponsible as we do. drivers must assume that pedestrians will dash out at any point,therefore...slow the f**ck down!

I used to be an aggressive driver,that changed when I needed a special type of insurance to drive for my job. Some employees have been terminated because they have a bad driving record and couldn't be properly insured. I now drive at exactly the speed limit,do all my stop signs as I should,and you know who give me the most grief? other drivers...they honk they're horns at me, tailgate me,etc. All cuz I respect the rules of the road.
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Normally I would agree but I'm seeing more and more pedestrians just ignore common sense and wander into traffic expecting it to automatiicaly stop, not cross where they are suppose to and generally seem to be lost in their own worlds whether txting or wearing headphones and not paying attention.

Tell me about it! I can't believe how many pedestrians I see these days stepping into traffic without looking. It has gotten worse. Many are on phones or texting but most are just in their own world paying no attention to their surroundings.

I can't believe that I need to remind adults to look both ways before crossing the street.

And stop standing in the roadway at the corner (when you're waiting for the light to change)! Use the sidewalk!
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And this can mostly be attricuted to the bubble world where most don't pay attention to their surroundings and the extinction of common sense apparently.

Here's one for the books.

At The Bay over the summer on the upper level, a woman pushing a baby carriage was approaching the down esculator. Then just at the top before stepping on, she suddenly slammed to a stop. I was behind her and quickly moved to the side to avoid a collosion but thought something had happened so I was about to ask if everything was okay. And then the realization of why she nearly caused a pile up at the top dawned on me.

She stopped not for an emergency but because she was searching for a toy for her baby. I almost screamed and suppressed the urge to verbally bitchslap her.
The problem is that pedestrians never follow the laws because they are not licensed like drivers are. I think they should change the laws so that pedestrians and bikes are automatically liable in all collisions with cars. Roads should be for cars, not pedestrians or cyclists. The roads should be for people with licenses only. They should build bridges across all streets for pedestrians to keep them off the road. That would get the traffic moving much better too since no pedestrians would get in the way.
The problem is that pedestrians never follow the laws because they are not licensed like drivers are. I think they should change the laws so that pedestrians and bikes are automatically liable in all collisions with cars. Roads should be for cars, not pedestrians or cyclists. The roads should be for people with licenses only. They should build bridges across all streets for pedestrians to keep them off the road. That would get the traffic moving much better too since no pedestrians would get in the way.


The cities of Montréal and New York City do NOT allow right turns on a red traffic signal.


Montréal also introduced the reduced 40 km/h (from 50 km/h) speed limit on local residential streets.


Something that Toronto City Council should consider? Forget about Rob Ford, of course, who thinks that roads are only for automobiles anyways. Bypass the Mayor's office and go with your ward's Councilor instead.

WKL: I noticed that Montreal warning sign concerning right turns on red and allow me to clarify the NYS/NYC rules concerning right turns on red since both are exact opposites of one another...

In the 5 Boroughs of NYC right turns on red are NOT permitted unless there is a sign posted allowing right turns on red at a specific intersection...

In all the other counties of NY State right turns on red are allowed unless there is a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED sign at a specific intersection...

The problem is that pedestrians never follow the laws because they are not licensed like drivers are. I think they should change the laws so that pedestrians and bikes are automatically liable in all collisions with cars. Roads should be for cars, not pedestrians or cyclists. The roads should be for people with licenses only. They should build bridges across all streets for pedestrians to keep them off the road. That would get the traffic moving much better too since no pedestrians would get in the way.

You're kidding right? This has to be joke. No one could be this deluded and stupid as to actually entertain such an insane and unworkable plan. Requiring people to have licences to walk the streets and cross them is lunacy...
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pedestrians and drivers need to get off the god damn phone. I have see so many pedestrians nearly run over because their talking on the phone and not paying attention to their surroundings. I would like to see drivers lose demerit points when they get ticketed for talking on their phone.
