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Sorbara Resigns from Cabinet



One of my least favourite provincial cabinet ministers has resigned due to more trouble at Royal Group.

From the Star:

Oct. 11, 2005. 10:31 PM

Sorbara steps down amid police probe


Ontario Finance Minister Greg Sorbara resigned tonight just hours after police raided his family’s real estate development company as part of an ongoing criminal investigation into another company where he was formerly a director.

Sorbara also stepped aside as chair of Management Board of cabinet, citing a search warrant that alleges he’s the subject of an RCMP investigation.

“While I have no idea as to what the allegations are, or the facts on which they are based, my responsibility as a minister is to step aside pending a determination of the matters alleged in the warrant,†Sorbara said through a statement at the Ontario legislature.

He did not immediately appear to speak to reporters, but Premier Dalton McGuinty was to hold a news conference later Tuesday to discuss the situation.

The RCMP exercised four warrants in the raid of the Toronto and Woodbridge, Ont., offices of Sorbara Group as it continued its investigation into Royal Group Technologies, a Toronto Stock Exchange-listed company.

Earlier Tuesday, the New Democrats and Conservatives had demanded McGuinty request Sorbara’s resignation while police continue their investigation.

Sorbara had initially refused to step down, as he refused to do in February 2004 when authorities began looking into the financial affairs of Royal Group Technologies.

“I am not the subject of the investigation, I’m not involved in the investigation, I’ve never been contacted by the RCMP,†Sorbara said earlier Tuesday.

“I have not been involved in Royal Group for over two years now, I’ve not been involved in the Sorbara Group for over two years now, so I feel very comfortable that I am not the subject of the investigation.â€

Sorbara is a former director of Royal Group and since being appointed finance minister has placed his holdings in blind management and resigned as director of the Sorbara Group companies, a firm run by his family.

Conservative Leader John Tory, who said earlier Tuesday he’d seen part of the search warrant that specifically names Sorbara, pointed out that in March 2004, McGuinty told reporters that Sorbara would step down if he became “the subject of an investigation.â€

The warrant, which only contains allegations, certainly indicates that is the case, Tory said.

“I would think that if this document is genuine . . . that Mr. Sorbara will be consistent with that agreement Mr. McGuinty said he had — offering his resignation from the cabinet — and that if it’s not offered, that Mr. McGuinty will request it,†he said.

New Democrat Howard Hampton echoed Tory’s call, saying Sorbara shouldn’t be allowed to continue as finance minister when companies he was once connected to are under criminal investigation.

RCMP spokeswoman Michelle Paradis said she could not provide further details on the search as the investigation was ongoing.

Sorbara said he’s been told there was a land transaction at one time between the Sorbara Group and Royal Group — which he excused himself from to avoid a conflict of interest — that was being examined.

This is the second time the Opposition has called for Sorbara to resign over his involvement with Royal Group.

In 2004, the investigation by police and the Ontario Securities Commission into Royal Group prompted calls for him to step down.

Sorbara kept his post, but severed himself from supervision of the OSC, a responsibility that now rests with a different ministry. He was also cleared of any wrongdoing by the province’s integrity commissioner.

Police have also issued other warrants as it continues its ongoing criminal probe of Royal Group. In February it searched the head offices of Bank of Nova Scotia.

At that time, investigators were looking for documents and data, some dating back as far as 1996, linked to the business dealings of the troubled plastics maker, as well as founder Royal Group founder Vic De Zen and former employees Domenic D’Amico and Fortunato Bordin.

That warrant contained allegations of fraud, theft over $5,000 and publishing a false prospectus against De Zen, former chief executive Douglas Dunsmuir and former chief financial officers Gary Brown and Ronald Goegan. It also makes allegations of fraud and theft over $5,000 against Bordin and D’Amico.

The allegations, contained in a search warrant issued by an Ontario judge, have not been proven and the RCMP has not laid any charges as a result of its investigation.

The company has been under investigation since February 2004 for interactions between Royal Group subsidiaries Royal Building Systems, Roycon Ltd., Royal St. Kitts Beach Resort Ltd. and a numbered Ontario company.
if he is guilty this is not going to look good for the liberals or the italian community.

all politicans are probably guilty of something but the liberals seem to get caught alot. i wonder if it has to do with the fact that they are liberals. conservative politicians are the type that tend to fund the police groups and expand their resources and size. put two and two together and you know the deal.

i could say why do we always elect people with big business ties but it kinda makes sense that a job like finance minister should have big business as a prerequsite, afterall...

too many double edged swords.
if he is guilty this is not going to look good for the liberals or the italian community.

I don't think he has even been charged with anything.
Why would this look bad for the Italian community? It's one guy, one family. I don't think lingering anti-Italian sentiment exists to the degree it may once have. By the way, Adma posted this pic of his daughter at Franksters, and I'll post it here:


The album was produced by her manager Jian Ghomeshi, drummer with the Toronto band Moxy Fruvous, who are presently on a hiatus. "He’s not my boyfriend," Martina denies with a laugh. "I don’t think that would be the best arrangement."
Why would this look bad for the Italian community? It's one guy, one family. I don't think lingering anti-Italian sentiment exists to the degree it may once have.

i don't know. gagliano, and now this. remember the Liberano$ thingy in the paper? the liberal party is constantly getting refered to as some mafia group by some conservatives and some conservative media because of some scandalls and the fact that there are soo many italians in the liberal party. refering to the liberals as mafia like happens because of the fact it is populated by many italians and nothing else.

it doesn't reflect good.
Yeah, I can see that.

And that picture is, of course, Sorbara's daughter, as rereading my post made me think I gave the wrong idea. However, should Adma indeed have a daughter of a similar vein, she is more than welcome to attend future forum meets....

